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Hargrave JROTC Falcon Battalion

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1 Hargrave JROTC Falcon Battalion
POW/MIA Remembrance Program September 2015 Event National P.O.W. - M.I.A. Recognition Day, a day dedicated to all former American prisoners of war, to those still missing, and to their families. District 4 Veterans of Foreign Wars POW/MIA Remembrance Program City Hall Houston Texas. Activities: Hargarve JROTC Falcon Battalion fallen Comrade table support. American P.O.W.'s and M.I.A.'s are heroes who have gone beyond courage and beyond duty to an honored place in the souls of their fellow Americans. They symbolize the kind of singular sacrifice and devotion that has repeatedly proven instrumental in shaping our Nation's destiny. This country will never forget nor fail to honor those who have so courageously garnered our highest regard. Key Take-Aways: This Honors Ceremony symbolizes that they are with us, here in spirit. Some here were very young when they were sent into combat; however, all Americans should never forget the brave men and women who answered our nation's call and served the cause of freedom in a special way. This was a tremendous event for the Falcon Battalion to be involved in. Showing our love for the fallen”

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