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Fascism in Italy and Germany

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1 Fascism in Italy and Germany
Global 10

2 Fascism Definition: an authoritarian and extreme nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.

3 Cultural Characteristics
Censorship propaganda Secret Police

4 Social Characteristics
Supported by middle class, industrialist, & military Why do you think these groups supported him?

5 Chief Examples Italy Spain

6 Political Characteristics
Nationalist Racist (Nazism) One-Party Rule Supreme Leader “Il Duce” Benito Mussolini

7 Economic Characteristics
Economic functions controlled by state corporations or the state itself NOT socialism Form of controlled capitalism

8 Basic Principles Authoritarianism: Gov’t has total authority
State more important than the individual Charismatic leader Action oriented

9 Fascism: Summarized Glorification of the state
Single party system with a strong ruler Aggressive form of Nationalism Absolute authority, but defended private property with some government regulation and class structure

10 Communism Fascism (USSR) (Germany and Italy)
DIFFFERENCES 1) Based upon the idea of Karl Marx 1) No clearly defined theory 2) Classless society ) Each class has its place in society 3) Internationalist…unite ) Nationalists workers worldwide SIMILARITIES 1) Both ruled by dictators…1 party rule 2) Neither practiced any kind of democracy

11 Mussolini

12 Personal/Physical Characteristics
Excellent writer (former journalist) Charismatic speaker Had a “Thirst for military glory” Large ego

13 Political/Economic Beliefs
Organized veterans and discontent Italians into the Fascist party ‘Black Shirts’ used to break up socialist rallies, leftist ideas Suppressed rival parties, rigged elections and silenced the media In theory: Parliamentary Monarchy In fact: Dictatorship

14 Mussolini controlled entire economy
prevented strikes and conflicts Did not favor socialism, persevered capitalism instead Production increased, but at expense of workers Little pay, not allowed to strike

15 People convinced to believe state was most important aspect- not the individual
“Believe! Obey! Fight!” Fascist youth groups formed

16 Hitler’s Germany

17 Hitler’s Background He applied to an art school, but was rejected
WWI Army veteran, believed Germany had been stabbed in the back. Munich Beer Hall  “revolution has begun” Failed Revolution attempt  arrested  imprisoned  wrote Mein Kampf

18 Political Structure Weimar Republic 1919-1933
Democratic government w/ many political parties Criticized for accepting treaty Third Reich: Nazi Germany NAZI  National Socialist Workers Party gained seat in the Reichstag Opposition to Communism & Democracy Belief in Dictatorship Elected Chancellor of Germany 1933 Der Fuhrer (leader) power is complete & extends to all fields of the nation


20 Munich Beer Hall: “A revolution has begun”

21 Economic Policies Debt: $35 Billion in Reparations
Inflation: Instead of raising taxes to pay for the war Germany printed more money (Marks), which lost its value. Unemployment: *6 Million people unemployed


23 For three generations, you’ll have to slave away!
$26,350,000,000 to be paid over a period of 58½ years.

24 What does this mean??


26 Social Policies Survival of the Fittest Superiority of the Aryan Race
Anti-Semitism- hatred of the Jews Use of terror & force Censorship

27 Kristallnacht Nuremburg Laws 1934
German laws against the Jewish people. Ex. Marriages between Jews and nationals of German or kindred blood are forbidden, Jews are forbidden to hoist the Reich and national flag and to present the colors of the Reich Kristallnacht “Night of Broken Glass” was the rioting and looting of Jewish Businesses in German.

28 Nazism Glorification of the state
Single party system with a strong ruler Aggressive form of Nationalism : demands that the nation be extended to its “natural” territorial borders anti-Semitic ideology superiority of the Aryan (German) race

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