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Extensive overlap between PN axon collaterals and KC dendrites in the mushroom body. Extensive overlap between PN axon collaterals and KC dendrites in.

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Presentation on theme: "Extensive overlap between PN axon collaterals and KC dendrites in the mushroom body. Extensive overlap between PN axon collaterals and KC dendrites in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Extensive overlap between PN axon collaterals and KC dendrites in the mushroom body.
Extensive overlap between PN axon collaterals and KC dendrites in the mushroom body. A, Reconstructions of the calyx of the mushroom body (yellow, from background autofluorescence). The top row shows two KC dendritic trees (cyan and purple) from three different views. KCs were filled within the same calyx with Lucifer yellow as described in the text. The bottom row shows the axonal arbor of three PNs (red) from the same three views, filled simultaneously with Lucifer yellow, in a different animal. B, Reconstruction showing one KC (green) and axon collaterals of one PN (red) filled in the same brain. The KC was filled with Alexa Fluor 568; the PN was filled with Lucifer yellow. C, Magnified (ray-traced) reconstruction of processes of KC and PN in B. Asterisks indicate sites where KC dendrites and PN axons are ≤1 μm apart, as measured in the original three-dimensional stack. Ron A. Jortner et al. J. Neurosci. 2007;27: ©2007 by Society for Neuroscience

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