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Graduation Workshop for Fall 2009 Graduates College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Office of Academic Services and Advising South Campus Building 70.

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Presentation on theme: "Graduation Workshop for Fall 2009 Graduates College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Office of Academic Services and Advising South Campus Building 70."— Presentation transcript:

1 Graduation Workshop for Fall 2009 Graduates College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Office of Academic Services and Advising South Campus Building 70 Room 114 North Campus Building 16 Room 370

2 Commencement December 11, 2009 Walk-up Skydome g g updates regarding Commencement Time, Speaker and Reception information

3 Commencement No rehearsal is scheduled Arrive at least 45 minutes before the ceremony Directions will be given when you pick up your program Ceremony lasts approximately 1 ½ hours Use the shuttle service ation/ ation/

4 Regalia Cap and Gown NAU Blue Gown with Citroen Tassel Honor Cords- 45 credits or more from NAU Latin Honors Are determined by GPA of the College and are listed on Special Cords Check the bookstore for these supplies

5 Graduation Stuff Announcements Several Styles Order early Consult Family Graduation jewelry Alumni Apparel and Supplies

6 Got a Job? Career Services Well kept secret Gateway Center Career Day Fall October 7, 2009 Interviews 35% of employers interested in all degrees Workshops Interviewing Resume Writing Post Baccalaureate Internships Work in your field Gain experience network

7 Welcome Alumni Keep in touch Homecoming Networking Be a mentor Support your Alma Mater Donations Tax Deductible

8 Filing for Graduation Graduation Application due for review Between April 1 and April 28 Office of Academic Services and Advising SBS West Building #70, Room 114 Your application does not have to be perfect as that is what the review is for.

9 The Review Why the Review? Reviewed for accuracy and requirements to verify your degree completion. Errors or omissions that might delay your graduation will be noted and you will be contacted by email to discuss and fix them. No errors or omissions on your application and it will be sent to the appropriate departments for signatures. After all required signatures have been obtained the application will be signed off by this office and sent to the graduation office. You will receive an email from this office once the application is sent to the graduation office.

10 What you need for Filing Graduation Application Completed accurately using Black Ink Copy of Fee Receipt for $10.00 Copy of Check Sheets, filled in completely Copy of Check Sheets, filled in completely with grades, semester/year and credits These are the worksheets where you and your advisor have listed the courses you have completed for the requirements for your degree. Check with your advisor or the Office of Academic Services to obtain a copy of all your check sheets. Copies of in process waivers, exceptions or petitions If you have already submitted and do not have a copy please put the information on a sticky note and attach to your application.

11 Graduation Application

12 The Graduation Application Type or complete in Black Ink only Important reminders Write legibly List all classes you have left to Complete Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer Courses taken elsewhere but not yet transferred Changes to this document use a graduation addendum

13 The Process Complete Check Sheets Major, Minor and Liberal Studies Pay Graduation Fee $10 to Bursar Complete Graduation Application SUBMIT EVERYTHING FOR REVIEW

14 Continued Process Complete Graduation Application Submit For Graduation Review BEFORE Faculty Signatures We will obtain necessary signatures Office of Academic Services and Advising Bldg 70 Room 114. Once review is complete the office will send your applications to your advisor for signatures. Once all signatures have been obtained you will receive an email stating the application has been filed. You are DONE!!!!

15 Final Reminder When: Beginning April 1, 2009 We will review and process until May 8, 2009 Where: Office of Academic Services and Advising Bldg# 70 Room 114 Why: To get it done with!!!!! The due date for complete Applications to be submitted to the Registrar is April 28, 2009 so do not delay in turning the application in!!!!

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