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An Excerpt from Boy’s Life

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1 An Excerpt from Boy’s Life
The Demon An Excerpt from Boy’s Life

2 The Demon - Vocabulary pallid – (adj.) pale; faint in color; washed out She was ten years old, and she had stringy red hair and a pallid face splashed with brown freckles. heritage – (noun) something inherited at birth, such as personal characteristics, status, and possessions She couldn’t help her heritage, though. brawny – (adj.) muscular; strong Her red-bearded father would’ve made a fence post look brawny. hysterics – (noun) a fit of uncontrollable laughter or weeping This caused more than one child to go into hysterics when they realized they would not live to see sixteen. intervene – (verb) to come between disputing people or groups to resolve a problem; mediate When you want them to pay attention to you and intervene, their minds are worlds away. winnowed – (verb) to separate the valuable from worthless parts; sift The finger winnowed deep into that nostril and I thought she was going to keep pushing it in until her whole finger was gone. glistening – (adj.) to reflect a sparkling light; shine On the tip of it was a glistening green mass as big as corn kernel. sated – (verb) to satisfy a desire  fully The Demon smiled at me, her black eyes sated.

3 The Demon - Vocabulary pallid – (adj.) pale; faint in color; washed out She was ten years old, and she had stringy red hair and a pallid face splashed with brown freckles. heritage – (noun) something inherited at birth, such as personal characteristics, status, and possessions She couldn’t help her heritage, though. brawny – (adj.) muscular; strong Her red-bearded father would’ve made a fence post look brawny. hysterics – (noun) a fit of uncontrollable laughter or weeping This caused more than one child to go into hysterics when they realized they would not live to see sixteen. intervene – (verb) to come between disputing people or groups to resolve a problem; mediate When you want them to pay attention to you and intervene, their minds are worlds away. winnowed – (verb) to separate the valuable from worthless parts; sift The finger winnowed deep into that nostril and I thought she was going to keep pushing it in until her whole finger was gone. glistening – (adj.) to reflect a sparkling light; shine On the tip of it was a glistening green mass as big as corn kernel. sated – (verb) to satisfy a desire  fully The Demon smiled at me, her black eyes sated.

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