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MASH R workshop 5
In this session you will learn:
2-way ANOVA ANCOVA Mixed Between-Within subjects ANOVA Notion of Power in statistics and Sample size: Computation and estimation of Sample size with R Effect Sizes with R
2-way anova In the 1-way ANOVA, you were comparing a continuous measurement (the independent variable) between 3 groups. The dependent variable was “Group” and it is a categorical nominal variable. In the 2-way ANOVA, you add another categorical nominal variable (e.g. Gender). You then have 2 dependent variables. The 2-way ANOVA will analyse the difference of the measurement between the Genders, between the Groups AND the interaction effect between Group and Gender. Interaction: You are a Man, you will have the measurement increasing from group 1 to group 3. But if you are a woman, this measurement does not really change.
2-way anova First download and put the diet.csv file in the current directory where R Studio works.
2-way anova Research Question:
We want to investigate if the weightlost is different according to the Diet and the Gender. We need to create the variable weight lost because this is the continuous variable that we want to compare between Diets and Genders:
2-way anova We need to rearrange the categorical variables “Diet” and “gender” so that we Can read their real values: 0 -> “Female” 1 -> “Male” It is always advised to transform your categorical variables so that we can see their meaning later on when you plot graphs. It is indeed nicer to have a graph indicating that such gender is “Male” rather than just a number 1… Dataset$variable because we did not attach the data set yet!
2-way anova Do not forget to attach the data so that it is simpler to call the variables and not using “data set + $ + variable”. Diet can be called directly now that you have attached the data set “dietR”.
2-way anova Assumptions:
1 ) No significant outliers for each combination of the groups of the two independent variables. 2 ) Dependent variable of the ANOVA should be approximately normally distributed for each combination of groups. 3) Homogeneity of Variances for each combination of groups. There are no non-parametric alternatives unfortunately!
2-way anova 1) Checking outliers across combinations of categories.
2-way anova 2) Dependent variable (continuous scale: weight lost) approximately normally distributed by combination of categories. In this combination (Female in Diet 3), the data looks skewed. But since in all the other combinations, there is a symmetrical distribution and the ANOVA is considered as a robust test, you can still go for the 2-way ANOVA.
2-way anova 3) Homogeneity of variance: variance approximately the same per combination of groups. P-value > 0.05, so we keep Homogeneity of Variance (or do not reject it) and we can go on.
2-way anova It is a star * between the 2 factors.
2-way anova Strange! - There is no significant difference of weight lost between Genders. There is a strong significant difference between the Diets. There is a significant interaction effect. So in the end, Gender is to be taken into account because there is an interaction effect!
2-way anova Y-Axis X-Axis What the lines represent.
2-way anova Typical case of interaction:
The lines are not parallel Interaction!
2-way anova I could have chosen to show the interaction effect by gender and Diet.
2-way anova Post-hoc Test:
One-way ancova A one-way ANCOVA is similar to a one-way ANOVA. However by comparing a measurement scale between 3 or more groups, we control for another continuous variable, called the covariate. This covariate is a variable that you think might affect the results we obtained in the one-way ANOVA (see Session 2). The p-values found in the ANCOVA will be the p-values adjusted for this covariate. There can be several covariates. We will use the same data set (dietR) as for the 2-way ANOVA. Since there will be only one independent categorical variable, we should call this analysis a “One-Way ANCOVA”. Research question: Is there a significant difference of weight lost between the types of Diet while controlling for the height of the participants?
One-way ancova Assumptions:
1 ) No significant outliers for each category (Diet). 2 ) Dependent variable of the ANOVA should be approximately normally distributed for each category (Diet) 3) Homogeneity of Variances: Variances statistically similar between different Diets.
One-way ancova 1) First of all we will look for outliers in each Diet.
One-way ancova 2) The measurement should be approximately normally distributed by Diet. OK!
One-way ancova 3) Homogeneity of variance: Variance similar between Diets. P-value>0.05: Homogeneity of variance checked! (We keep the Null hypothesis: Homogeneity)
One-way ancova “+” to add the covariate (s)
“*” when it is an independent factor added to Diet. - When you control for the height, you have a strongly significant difference of lost weight between the Diets (p-value = ). - However Height is not significantly associated with lost weight (p-value = 0.722).
One-way ancova If we compare with the one-way ANOVA without the covariate “Height”, we have not much difference. The results suggest that Height does not really affect the fact that there is a difference between the Diets. So whatever your height, the Diets will have the same effect!
One-way ancova In order to conduct ANCOVA post-hoc tests (that is pairwise comparisons while controlling for covariate ‘Height’), type the same function TukeyHSD and specify the independent variable ‘Diet’: Diet 3 seems to be strongly statistically different from Diet 1 and Diet 2.
2-way ancova Research question: Is there a significant difference of weight lost between the types of Diet and the Gender while controlling for the height of the participants? Pretty much similar to the 2-way ANCOVA but you will add an extra independent factor “Gender”. What code will you write?
2-way ancova “+” to add the covariate (s)
“*” when it is an independent factor added to Diet.
2-way ancova Again the results of the 2-way ANOVA and the 2-way ANCOVA are pretty much similar. There is still an interaction effect between Gender and Diet but not between Genders alone. Height does not influence the effect of the Diet and Gender on the lost weight. 2-WAY ANCOVA with Height as covariate. 2-WAY ANOVA (no covariate)
Mixed between-within subjects anova
Research question: Is there a significant difference of lost weight between the types of Diet and the Gender while controlling for the height and the age of the participants? The between-subjects factor is Diet. The within-subjects factor is Time (“pre” and “after 6 weeks”)
Mixed between-within subjects anova
Unfortunately, the format the data is presented is not ready for analysing a Repeated ANOVA! We need: Format 1: WIDE Data Format 2: LONG Data There are two fundamental verbs of data tidying: gather() takes multiple columns, and gathers them into key-value pairs: it makes “wide” data longer. spread(). takes two columns (key & value) and spreads in to multiple columns, it makes “long” data wider.
Mixed between-within subjects anova
Install the library “tidyr”: Use the function “gather” contained in that library: Data frame to modify Name of the measure: Cholesterol level. The variable “Times” will take the following values: “Before”,”After4weeks” and “After8weeks”.
Mixed between-within subjects anova
We name the new data set “long” to remind us this is the long type of data. You might want to change this awful name to “ID” or “subject” or “participant”. This function displays the names of each column, or each variable. The first element is the name of the first column That we want to change the name.
Mixed between-within subjects anova
The variable ID has a more convenient name now:
Mixed between-within subjects anova
We will use the same function “ezANOVA” used for the repeated measures ANOVA (Session 2): The procedure is as follows: We need to add the between-subjects factor “Margarine”. Otherwise it is the same way of writing as for the repeated measures ANOVA seen in Session 2.
Mixed between-within subjects anova
Mixed between-within subjects anova
I suggest to look first at the test of Sphericity: There are 2 results: the first row (Effect “Times”) evaluates if the variances between Times are similar (statistically). The second row (Effect “Times”) evaluates if the variances between Times and Group of Margarine are similar (statistically). Based on this, the 2 results suggest that we reject the Sphericity and thus we will have to look at the adjusted p-values taking into account that there is no Sphericity, i.e. Sphericity Corrections.
Mixed between-within subjects anova
Based on this, the p-value is the second column from the right hand side: The p-value related to Effect Times suggests a very strong evidence against the Null Hypothesis that “There is no effect between Times”. (p-value < 0.001) The p-value related to the interaction Margarine:Times suggests that there is a significant Correlation/interaction between Margarine group and Time. (p-value = <0.05)
Mixed between-within subjects anova
What about the Between-Subject factor Margarine? The first block of results shows you the Between significance: The p-value is 2.46e-01, but it means (ask me if you do not understand!) The p-value is above 0.05, wo you will reject the difference between Margarine regardless the time.
POWER calculation and sample size
The power of a test statistics is to be taken as a score from 0 to 100%. It measures the reliability of your test. The power depends on the sample size and the bigger your sample size, the more power you will have, and thus the more reliable your test is. The power required in statistics is usually 80%. POWER BIG SAMPLE SIZE BIG In the functions provided in this course, you need to specify the p-value threshold (0.05 generally) and a parameter called the effect size. After that, you can either specify the sample size you have in order to get the power, or conversely, specify the power in order to know what minimum sample size you need.
POWER calculation and sample size
You will need to download the “pwr” package in R which provides the following functions to test the power of various tests: function power calculations for pwr.2p.test two proportions (equal n) pwr.2p2n.test two proportions (unequal n) pwr.anova.test balanced one way ANOVA pwr.chisq.test chi-square test pwr.f2.test general linear model pwr.p.test proportion (one sample) pwr.r.test correlation pwr.t.test t-tests (one sample, 2 sample, paired) pwr.t2n.test t-test (two samples with unequal n)
POWER: correlation coefficient
For correlation coefficients use pwr.r.test(n = , r = , sig.level = , power = ) where n is the sample size and r is the correlation. We use the correlation coefficient as the effect size measure. Cohen suggests that r values of 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5 represent small, medium, and large effect sizes respectively. Minimum sample size is 55. Here we enter a sample size and we get The power. (36.91%)
POWER: t-tests T-tests: For t-tests, use the following functions:
pwr.t.test(n = , d = , sig.level = , power = , type = c("two.sample", "one.sample", "paired")) where n is the sample size, d is the effect size, and type indicates a two-sample t-test, one-sample t-test or paired t-test. If you have unequal sample sizes, use pwr.t2n.test(n1 = , n2= , d = , sig.level =, power = ) where n1 and n2 are the sample sizes. For t-tests, the effect size is assessed as Cohen suggests that d values of 0.2, 0.5, and 0.8 represent small, medium, and large effect sizes respectively. You can specify alternative="two.sided", "less", or "greater" to indicate a two-tailed, or one-tailed test. A two tailed test is the default.
POWER: t-tests =
POWER: t-tests - The two samples that I have seem not to have the same number of people. - I can nevertheless compute the power of the independent t test between these 2 groups. - Let me remind you that it is not necessary to have the same number of people in both groups in an Independent T-test. Now I want to know the power of my test in such conditions: I will use the second formula proposed: pwr.t2n.test(n1 = , n2= , d = , sig.level =, power = ) Power of the test 51.20% only! Not very reliable…
POWER: anova ANOVA, use pwr.anova.test(k = , n = , f = , sig.level = , power = ) where k is the number of groups and n is the common sample size in each group. For a one-way ANOVA effect size is measured by f where Cohen suggests that f values of 0.1, 0.25, and 0.4 represent small, medium, and large effect sizes respectively.
POWER: anova Effect Size ANOVA: You can download first the library
“sjstats” and get the Cohen’s f value from the ANOVA output “res.aov”.
POWER: anova Based on the above, I have 3 groups of Diet and my Cohen’s f value is 0.31. For a power of 80%, I would need more than 34.43, that is 35 participants At least in each group of Diet.
Power: linear regression
In a linear regression, it is generally agreed that you would need 10 or 15 participants at least per predictor variable. For instance, if you want to predict Birthweight (see Session 4) by the predictors: Gender, Gestation, Mother age and Father age. This multiple linear regression uses 4 predictors, and thus you would need at least 4 x 10 = 40 or 4 x 15 = 60 participants at least.
Power: chi-square test
For chi-square tests use pwr.chisq.test(w =, N = , df = , sig.level =, power = ) where w is the effect size, N is the total sample size, and df is the degrees of freedom. The effect size w is defined as: Cohen suggests that w values of 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5 represent small, medium, and large effect sizes respectively.
Power: chi-square test
From the Titanic data set, The w value is in fact the square root of (the Chi-Square divided by the number of people involved in the study), which is given by “X” in the output of the Chi-Square: w = sqrt(X-squared/ Total number of people involved in the study) I would basically need at least 29 people in each subcategory (cell) of my table in order to have a power of 80%!
Power: chi-square test
Each subcategory contains more than 29, so the test is definitely reliable!
Power and sample size What to do in case the sample size is not enough? Try to collect more data. Report the effect sizes. Report some descriptive statistics. You can increase the p-value threshold to I.e. You will have a significant result if the p-value is less than 0.10.
Power and sample size There exist power and sample size calculations for more complicated studies such as two way ANOVA or mixed ANOVA in R. For this you should download and install the package “pwr2”and read its documentation online. If you have more questions, you are also invited to join 1:1 MASH appointments and we will study together the sample size needed.
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