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Toward Smart Textiles North-East Romania

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1 Toward Smart Textiles North-East Romania

2 What is our regional goal?

3 Specialization = R&I for economic transformation
Reconfiguration of industries with critical mass and geographic concentration – as agro-food, textiles and tourism Diversification of activities in “catalyst industries” – as biotechnologies and TIC Development of new activities – in fields like environment Change economic structure based on small added value industries and low level of technology, and development based on cheap cost of the work force and imported raw materials

4 RIS3 North-East structure
Main areas - RIS3 Agro-food Textile & New materials ITC Biotechnologies Healthy ageing & living Environment Horizontal priorities Develop RDI competences Support innovative companies Support cluster and internationalisation initiatives Technical assistance

5 Toward Textiles industry transformation
Traditional industry with critical mass, significant export, profit margin based mainly on quality, competences for specialized education and research A digitized and circular industry, integrated in value chains, that valorizes local creativity

6 Innovative smart textile
Innovative Materials materials with high functionality; eco textile with applications in medicine, agriculture & constructions; “green” technologies for composite materials in furniture & automotive Circular Industry bio-refining waste from agriculture to obtain bio textiles; innovative production & processes able to save materials, water & energy. High tech Processes & Application Industry 4.0 – integrated & automate machines, solutions for Internet of Things & Internet of Services New business models digital fashion, digital printing virtual modeling yarn / fiber and textile products

7 Value chain assessment in North-East Romania
Knitting Apparel Existing value chains: Natural fibers Innovative materials for protective cloths, for medicine, sports & construction Value chains to be developed:

8 Examples of implemented projects – textiles RDI & RU
Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” Iasi - magnetic green adsorbent for waste water treatment (PNIII P PED); food industry pack based on vegetal fibers (PNIII P2.2.1 BG), biocompatible materials for medicine applications (PNIII P1.1.2) Astrico NE – Innovative cluster management development (PNCD –III), COSTumE (COSME), Practice and be competent (POCU), TEX4IM (Orizont 2020) InKreate – TIC- Transfer 3 D real world to interactive creative endeavours in apparel industry COMFIL RO SRL – Biobased self functionalized self reinforced composite materials based on high performance monofibrillar PLA fibres TEX4IM TCBL Textile and clothing business lab

9 Examples of implemented RDI projects: advanced manufacturing, TIC
Astrico NE – TEX4IM Reginnova – TCBL Katty fashion – NeoCel & InKreate Future in textiles association – InKreate COMFIL Ro Srl – BIO4SELF Thematic area “Smart Regional Investments in Textile” – Platform S3 for Industrial Modernization = Interregional Innovative Investments InKreate – TIC- Transfer 3 D real world to interactive creative endeavours in apparel industry COMFIL RO SRL – Biobased self functionalized self reinforced composite materials based on high performance monofibrillar PLA fibres TEX4IM TCBL Textile and clothing business lab

10 Projects under submission & evaluation
SMEs direct investments – 10 micro enterprises and 10 SMEs (ROP PA 2.1 & 2.2) Innovation and technology Transfer Centers – ITC, Iasi, Eco-technologies, energy and environment, Vaslui (POR 1.1.A) Integrated RDI projects – materials with advanced properties for disabled people, slow fashion living lab, video evaluation system for sizes of clients from on-line fashion stores (POR 1.2 D)

11 SMEs support for innovation and internationalisation
International partnerships Advice Support for innovation Identification of funding sources Assesment of innovation management Data base with contacts Advice on EU legislation and standrards Brokeraje events Access to financing Economic missions Intellectual property rights Technology transfer Results 188 SMEs received support 39 SMEs participate in brokeraje events meetings 721 SMEs participate at information sessions 38 SMEs received support for innovation management

12 Interregional cooperation projects under implementation
Know how transfer for integration of green public procurement in public policies Know how and technology transfer on efficient water management and consumption in industry Project under evaluation – DANUWEAR – Creativity labs in textile and clothing industry


14 Thank you for your attention!
Gabriela Macoveiu Tel Pentru detalii vizitati:

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