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MyStandards and SMPG SWIFT April 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "MyStandards and SMPG SWIFT April 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 MyStandards and SMPG SWIFT April 2012

2 Agenda 1. Overview of MyStandards for SMPG (10’)
2. Live Demonstration (45’) 3. Next Steps (5’) 4. Q & A (15’)

3 Overview - MyStandards in a Nutshell (1)
… a collaborative web platform MT / MX / ISO 20022 Market Practices Browse Analyse Capture Market Practices Publish Implement

4 Overview – MyStandards in a Nutshell (2)
Content-centric Market Practice management Create/modify and upload MPs content with specialised tool As message based MPs As documents attached Generate and download documents (Excel / PDF) on demand MP Comparison and Release Impact Analysis Granular access control Detailed search of content Contextualised Q&A on specifications

5 Overview - MyStandards in a Nutshell (3)
Editor 2 Download Application User PC Upload MPs 1 Web Browser Internet MyStandards Web Application Interact with MyStandards

6 Overview - MyStandards for SMPG
SWIFT has committed to provide MyStandards access to SMPG for free as of General Availlability of version 1 (i.e., May 2, 2012) May 2012 P i l o t G e n e r a l A v a i l a b i l i t y

7 Overview – & MyStandards
How will and MyStandards Coexist ?

8 Overview – & MyStandards
Governance Publishing making market practices available to the industry management of SMPG activities

9 Overview - & MyStandards
MyStandards v1 will not replace the “Governance” functionality initially will remain the SMPG governance portal continue to be the main entry point Gradual Adoption - Each WG to decide the speed at which they will adopt MyStandards

10 Some basics and a demonstration
MyStandards and SMPG Some basics and a demonstration SWIFT April 2012

11 MyStandards SMPG Basics
When a market practice is uploaded to MyStandards it is uploaded into a specific location or ‘group’ SMPG TIC SR CA IF To be set up in May. NMPG groups will be set up upon request Send an to NMPG SR GB CA GB IF GB etc

12 MyStandards SMPG Basics
When a market practice is uploaded to MyStandards it is uploaded into a specific location or ‘group’ The market practice will have a specific status: Public Everybody can view the market practice information no matter which ‘group’ it is located Private Private means it is visible only to the group in which it is uploaded. Only members of the group can view the information Restricted Similar to private, but ‘bilaterally or multilaterally shared’ across different groups

13 MyStandards SMPG Basics
TIC SMPG SR SMPG CA SMPG IF NMPG SR GB NMPG CA GB NMPG IF GB etc All users will be able to view public content of all the groups. But, for example, if there is private content in CA, then only members (affiliates) of the CA group will be able to view it.

14 MyStandards SMPG Basics
TIC SMPG SR SMPG CA SMPG IF NMPG SR GB NMPG CA GB NMPG IF GB etc Each group can appoint one or more individuals with publisher status. There will be one or more administrators for each group. Each group can appoint one or more individuals with publisher status. There will be one or more administrators for each group. Publisher - has the right to upload to MyStandards & analyse. Administrator – allows someone to be a member of the group

15 Different Kinds of users of MyStandards
[1] Consumer – can view anything uploaded as ‘public’. (\MyStandards, log-in with your user name and password, or use the register function to set up a user name and password. You don’t need a BIC to register.) [2] Consumer & member (affiliate) of a specific group – can view anything uploaded in the specific group designated as ‘private’ or ‘restricted’ [3] Publisher - for example, can upload a market practice into a group for which it has publisher status, compare MPs, generate spreadsheets for a message or MP. [4] Administrator – can accept/remove member (affiliations) into the group for which it has administrator status.

16 MyStandards – the components
View MTs & MX View market practice Comment on a market practice etc MyStandards ( Import (upload) a message usage & other documents to MyStandards Usage Guideline Editor Enter market practice Only publishers can download the editor.

17 Market practice MT 543 in UHB MT 543 global use CH use etc Market practice is a restriction on how a message is used. For example, Subscription Order (setr.010) may have 50 fields, but globally agreed practice is 20 fields. IT domestic practice might use 25 fields. And so on … MT 564 in UHB MT 564 global use LU use etc These restrictions can be captured formally in the usage guideline editor (and then uploaded to MyStandards). setr.010 in UHB setr.010 global use IT use etc

18 MyStandards – Usage Guideline Editor
Enter market practice Examples of the kinds of restrictions that may be entered: An optional field or element or sequence must not be used An optional field or element or sequence must be used A code word must not be used A repetitive field or element must not be present more than n times A field or element could be populated but is ignored. A field or element must contain a given value.

19 MyStandards Demonstration - Structure
1 View a message, compare 2011 & 2012 versions - MT 543 MyStandards ( MyStandards) 2 View a market practice MT 543 – ZA, compare ZA against global 3 Comment on MP – MT 564 View new MP (setr.010) 6 5 Import to MyStandards Impact Analysis (MT 564) 7 Usage Guideline Editor 4 Enter a MP, prepare to upload (setr.010)

20 Divider slide – come back here after the demonstration!

21 MyStandards – demonstration summary
1 MyStandards View a ‘base message’ (MT 543) News feed Workspace Base Standards Usage Guidelines Directory Base Standards Standards News MT Standards MX Standards ►Category 5 Comparison of two versions of a standard (MT 543) b ►MT 543 Deliver Against Payment + General Information A GENL M N + Trade Details B TRADDET M N + Financial Instrument/Account C FIAC M N + Two Leg Transaction Details D REPO O N + Settlement Details E SETDET M N + Other Parties F OTHRPRTY O R Name Code M/O R.N a

22 MyStandards – demonstration summary
2 MyStandards View an NMPG market practice & comparison against the global market practice (MT 543) SMPG S& R Settlement 543 Deliver Against Payment ZA S& R Settlement 543 Deliver Against Payment + General Information A - Trade Details B + 16R + 94b Place + 98a Date/Time + 35B Identification of Financial Instrument + 16S + Financial Instrument/Account C + Settlement Details (E)

23 Market Practice review & commenting
Actions comment in MP c Usage Guideline Editor d Upload revised MP 3 Convener / delegate Reviews MP comments b MyStandards We need specification for these codes This field should be set to Ignore This format option must not be used We can be more precise and set these field to ‘must not be used’ Review & commenting a Mr. Smith Review a market practice – post a comment (MT 564) MyStandards Interest Rate is not applicable to a bonus issue. We should consider designating his field as ‘not to be used’ Comments

24 MyStandards – demonstration summary
4 Usage Guideline Editor Enter a market practice (subscription order setr ) Message Identification Pool Reference Previous Reference Multiple Order Details Master Reference Place of Trade Order Date Time Expiry Date Time Requested Future Trade Date Investment Account Beneficiary Details Individual Order Details Order Reference Upload a market practice MyStandards Add a Usage Guideline 5 Impact Analysis (MT 564) MyStandards 7

25 Usage Guideline Editor
Best Practices Standards MyStandards – Usage Guidelines Editor This document provides best practice recommendations for users of the MyStandards Usage Guideline Editor defining their message usage guidelines 6 April 2012

26 MyStandards – what’s in it for us?
A more formal and less ambiguous method to specify the use of a message. Should ease the implementation of a standard at institution level All market practice, NMPG and other usage restrictions in the same place, following the same conventions. Easier collaboration for the review of a market practice and consensus building. Efficient way to compare a number of local practices to determine the preliminary global practice. Allows easier impact analysis when a standard changes. Easier migration of a market practice from one version of the standard to another. FREE TO SMPG etc

27 MyStandards – Next steps
SWIFT has been entering MPs on into MyStandards. MyStandards – Next steps Get the SMPG groups set up on MyStandards (SWIFT). GRADUALLY Each SMPG group will defines it’s own pace for the ‘uptake’ of MyStandards. Review the posted MPs for accuracy as it has not been verified. Fine-tune as necessary. When uploading a reviewed MP, upload it into its official group. Use the tool in work sessions, etc, to capture MP, etc. Continue to maintain MPs so that MyStandards is the central place for MP definitions, both global & local.

Q & A

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