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1 Stem Cell Research

2 Introduction. What are stem cells? Why are they regarded important?
Stem Cells are super-cells with vast clinical potential in tissue repair (National Institute of Heath). These cells divide without limit. The stem cells are types of cells from which all body tissues originate from. Stem cell research offers great promise in understanding the mechanisms of human body development and treatment of chronic conditions including diabetes, myocardial infarction, and Parkinson’s disease. These tissues serve as an internal repair system by dividing without limit thereby replenishing other cells as long as the individual is still alive. For example, the human intestinal wall shade every four days and is replaced by new cell linings (National Institute of Heath).

3 Introduction (Cont.) Stem Cells divide to become another cell type with a specialized function. However, their use has elicited controversial remarks from opponents on ethical grounds. This is because they are obtained from human preimplantation embryos (Wert And Christine). Stem cell research holds the promise of improving clinical outcomes for chronic conditions. Notably, the stem cells divide to become another cell type with a specialized function. Despite the clinical potential of the stem cells, their use, particularly embryonic stem cells, have elicited controversial remarks from opponents on ethical grounds. Primarily, this is because they are obtained from human preimplantation embryos (Wert and Christine). Therefore, stem cell research holds the promise of improving clinical outcomes for chronic conditions, but its use is impacted by ethical issues.

4 Medical Benefits. Therapeutic cloning and regenerative medicine.
Improve the treatment outcomes of chronic conditions such as diabetes (Wert and Christine). The cells can be induced to become tissues for specific organs with specialized functions (National Institute of Heath). Both the adult and embryonic stem cells have been used to improve the treatment therapies for different conditions including cancer and autoimmune diseases. The excitement on stem cell research is based on the medical benefits it possesses such as therapeutic cloning and regenerative medicine. Stem cell research provides an array of medical benefits as it can improve the treatment outcomes of chronic conditions such as diabetes (Wert and Christine). Additionally, under certain physiological consisting, the cells can be induced to become tissues for specific organs with specialized functions (National Institute of Heath). Through different experimental trails, both the adult and embryonic stem cells have been used to improve the treatment therapies for different conditions including cancer and autoimmune diseases.Therefore, there is endless potential for the use of the stem cells as scientists continually undertake experiments to study further the development of the stem cells.

5 Studies. Laboratory studies have been used to examine the differentiation of stem cells and how they are different from other cell types (National Institute of Heath). For instance, regenerative medicine bears the significant potential of treating cardiovascular diseases. Annually, approximately 1.1 million Americans suffer from heart attack.

6 Studies (Cont.) Cancer and the cardiovascular diseases are the two most killing conditions according to CDC. With stem cell research, cardiovascular damages can be repaired while cancer treatment therapies can be improved. The potential for this research to improve the current therapies used in treating a wide range of conditions (Ware, Caro, Et Al.). Stem cell research seeks to improve the quality of treatment therapies in medicine.

7 Potential Benefits of Stem Cell Research.
Development of new drugs. Individualized cell-based therapies. Replacement of defective tissues. Treatment therapies that address individual patient needs. The potential benefits of stem cell research are numerous. This ranges from the development of new drugs to individualized cell-based therapies in which the stem cells can be used to replace the defective tissues (Ware, Caro. et al.). Besides, the treatment therapies will be tailored to meet the individual needs of a patient.

8 Potential Benefits of Stem Cell Research (Cont.)
Adult Stem Cells can be banked in a laboratory for later use as they differentiate. Plasmapheresis is used by scientists to separate the adult stem cells (Lo and Lindsay). Modifying The effect of cancer chemotherapy on patients.

9 Potential Benefits of Stem Cell Research (Cont.)
Treating hematological malignancies (Lo and Lindsay). Autologous stem cells are currently used in clinical trials to treat patients with the myocardial infarction. While treatment of other conditions have been experimented, it the use f stem cell in the treatment of other conditions is yet to be validated by government bodies such as the FDA (Lo and Lindsay).

10 Controversies. The human embryonic stem cell is politically and ethically controversial as it entails the destruction of human embryos (The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity). Questions pertaining to when human life begins is controversial. Stem Cell research raises questions on whether abortion should be legalized. Destruction of human embryos is considered unethical.

11 Controversies (Cont.) The human embryonic stem cell has been used to improve clinical treatments but the human embryos have the potential of becoming human beings (Lo and Lindsay). From this perspective, the removal of the human embryonic stem cell is tantamount to abortion or murder (Lo and Lindsay). The controversies have impacted the research developments of stem cell research, particularly for the human embryonic cells.

12 Different Perspectives.
Some people believe that the embryo is a human being with a moral status similar to an adult. According to moral perspectives and religious faith, it is believed that the life of human being starts at conception; thus the embryo should be regarded as a human being. Proponents of stem cell research state that stem cell research bears the potential of curing conditions that currently burden the world (Lo and Lindsay). Thus, the extraction of the blastocyst and removal of inner cell mass to obtain human embryonic stem cell is necessary as this is just a clump of cells.

13 Conclusion. Stem cell research offers great promise in understanding the mechanisms of human body development and treatment of chronic conditions including diabetes, myocardial infarction, and Parkinson's disease. However, only a few pieces of research have been experimented to validate the claims on the different conditions that can be treated through these trails (Wert and Christine). Ethical issues have been raised by opponents of these new developments as they seek to protect the interest of the embryos.

14 Works Cited Lo, Bernard, And Lindsay Parham. "Ethical Issues In Stem Cell Research." Endocrine Reviews 30.3 (2011): National Institute Of Heath. Stem Cell Basics. (2018). [Retrieved From] The Center For Bioethics And Human Dignity. An Overview Of Stem Cell Research. (2018). [Retrieved From] research/Overview Ware, Carol B., Et Al. "Derivation Of Naive Human Embryonic Stem Cells." Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences (2014): Wert, Guido De, And Christine Mummery. "Human Embryonic Stem Cells: Research, Ethics And Policy." Human Reproduction18.4 (2009):

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