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Connect the Bio to the Face and Name

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1 Connect the Bio to the Face and Name
Legends of Scouting Connect the Bio to the Face and Name Wood Badge S I am an Eagle Scout whose most notable accomplish-ment was being the first person to walk on the moon. After my military career, I wrote a book called “Scouting for Boys” and started the scouting movement in 1907 A founder of the BSA, my organization – Sons of Daniel Boone merged with the Boy Scouts. I designed the first uniform. A Distinguished Eagle Scout, I was a Tuskegee Airman and hold the Air Force Record for most combat missions flown - in WW2, Korea, and Viet Nam. I am the first Eagle Scout and was later awarded the Honor Medal for saving lives. Baden-Powell was on my Board of Review. I created an organization called Woodcraft Indians that Baden-Powell used to fashion many of the early scout programs. In 1910, I became the Chief Scout. I lost my way in a London fog and ran across a young scout who came to my aid – and refused a tip. Being impressed, I met with Baden Powell and started the BSA one year later. I was a successful attorney despite being orphaned and physically handicapped. In 1911, I became the first Chief Scout Executive for the BSA and retired in 1943. Born in Virginia, I sang God Bless America from which millions of dollars of royalties were directed to US Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. I am the Eagle Scout that spoke at 2010 National Jamboree closing – and known as the ambassador of dirt. Neil Armstrong Robert Baden-Powell Arthur Eldred Kate Smith Ernest Thompson Seton Charles McGee Mike Rowe James E. West Daniel Carter Beard William Boyce

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