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Social studies power point

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1 Social studies power point
Riley miner

2 MAP TYPES -political maps-the states and national boundaries, the location of cities Example- 50 us states with its borders Physical maps-shows mountains, river, and lakes. different colors to show elevation. Example- U.S. map with color to show elevation Topographic map-has contour lines instead of colors to show landscape. Example-close together lines =steep elevation. Spread out lines = flat, costal areas.

3 MORE MAPS -Thematic maps-a map that focuses on a particular theme or special topic. Doesn’t show natural features>rivers cites highways< Example-population change in a place. -Climate maps-shows weather of an area and climate zone. Example- Australian map shows colors for desert region. - Economic and Resource maps-specific type of natural resources in an area Example-oil + coal symbols on PA map -Road maps-shows major + minor highways or roads. Example-NY map with a wide red line to show highways 81,86,or 88.

4 Longitude + Latitude Longitude= lines that run north to south.
Latitude=lines that run East to West. # latitude is first to measure then longitude # both measured in degrees

5 Scales The distance from one place to another

6 The 7 continents *1. North America *2. South America *3. Europe
*4. Asia *5. Africa *6. Australia *7. Antarctica

7 The 4 oceans *Atlantic Ocean *Arctic Ocean
*Pacific Ocean *Indian Ocean

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