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PSCs elicited by electrical stimulation of the subplate.

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1 PSCs elicited by electrical stimulation of the subplate.
PSCs elicited by electrical stimulation of the subplate. A, Monosynaptic dual-component PSC recorded in a P2 SPn at –70 mV. The SP-monoPSC was fitted with a biexponential function corresponding to the fast- and slow-decaying components. B, Pharmacological isolation of the fast component by application of 20 μm CPP. The CPP-insensitive component could be fitted with a monoexponential function and was blocked by addition of 10 μm CNQX.C, In CPP-containing bathing solution, application of 100 μm cyclothiazide caused a prolongation of the fast component SP-monoPSC. D, Pharmacological isolation of the slow component of the SP-monoPSC by bath application of 10 μm CNQX. The CNQX-insensitive component could be fitted with a monoexponential function and was blocked by addition of 20 μm CPP. E, Current–voltage relationship of dual-component SP-monoPSCs recorded from five SPn under control conditions (diamonds) and after application of 10 μm CNQX (squares). Inset, Dual-component SP-monoPSCs recorded in a P1 SPn at different holding potentials. Note the presence of the NMDA receptor-mediated component at membrane potentials negative to –50 mV. F, Current–voltage relationship of single-component PSCs from three SPn recorded under control conditions (diamonds) and after addition of 10 μm CNQX (squares).Inset, SP-monoPSCs recorded in a P1 SPn.Asterisks in E and F mark spontaneous PSCs. Ileana L. Hanganu et al. J. Neurosci. 2002;22: ©2002 by Society for Neuroscience

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