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ACCSYS Collaboration Board Triestre, 3rd october 2017

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1 ACCSYS Collaboration Board Triestre, 3rd october 2017
Anne-Isabelle ETIENVRE

2 Elliptical Cryomodules
Medium b Demonstrator (M-ECCTD) tests results High Beta cavity vertical tests result Almost ready for production … 2. RFQ Status 3. Beam Instrumentation 1. NPM 2. nBLMs

IMAGE CEA – IRFU 2018 CEA Saclay/Irfu projet ESS | DATE

4 ESS ELLIPTICAL CRYOMODULES M-ECCDT : medium beta demonstrator
IMAGE CEA – IRFU 2018 CEA Saclay/Irfu projet ESS | DATE

5 M-ECCTD : top view of saclay test stand
ACCSYS Collaboration Board Triestre, October 2018

6 1st HIGH RF POWER TESTS at 1 MW and 2K
14Hz ; Nominal Field (> 16,7 MV/m) ; RF peak power : 1,1MW ; RF pulse length 3,6ms With Lorentz forces compensations (Piezo) Without Lorentz forces compensations (Piezo) MV/m MV/m Zoom Happy CEA team ! MV/m ACCSYS Collaboration Board Triestre, October 2018

7 ESS ELLIPTICAL CRYOMODULES H-ECCDT : high-beta demonstrator
IMAGE CEA – IRFU 2018 CEA Saclay/Irfu projet ESS | DATE

8 H-ECCTD : 1st high betaq bare cavity vertical cryostat measurements
High b Cavity tuning ACCSYS Collaboration Board Triestre, October 2018

IMAGE CEA – IRFU 2018 CEA Saclay/Irfu projet ESS | DATE

10 CRYOMODULES COUPLERS : on track pre-serie components conditioned
1.2 MW 10 prototype couplers already conditioned with success + 6 pre series CM couplers (medium b) delivered at Saclay 5 fully conditionned 1 partially conditionned ACCSYS Collaboration Board Triestre, October 2018

11 Cryomodules : Delivery of pre-serie components
ACCSYS Collaboration Board Triestre, October 2018

12 RFQ CEA Saclay/Irfu projet ESS | DATE

13 RFQ CAVITIES / Section 1 assembly trial
ACCSYS Collaboration Board Triestre, October 2018

14 RFQ – SKID INStalled in june 2018 (Lund)
ACCSYS Collaboration Board Triestre, October 2018

15 RFQ couplers conditioned at nominal performances + margins with ICS contribution
Control System for couplers conditioning Test cavity with both couplers ready for conditioning Power Vacuum Temperatures 48 hours long conditioning (1 MW – 3.6 ms – 14 Hz) ACCSYS Collaboration Board Triestre, October 2018


17 Beam instrumentation : profile monitor
Measures on IPHI facility before CDR planned in december IPHI platform IPM CCD camera & control system IPM with strips read-out ACCSYS Collaboration Board Triestre, October 2018

18 nBLMs : differents tests before CDR planned in december
BEAM INSTRUMENTATION nBLMs : differents tests before CDR planned in december Beam tests at different irradiation facilities in 2018 IPHI CEA/Saclay 3 MeV p on Be target and Al endcap AMANDE, IRSN,Cadarache Monoenergetic n or γ+n yields MC40, Birmingham, UK 28 MeV p on Al target Linearity with beam current 28 MeV proton beam on an aluminum target Time Response Fast module: Immediate response, count rate has a direct correlation with beam current intensity. Slow module : most of events recorded within μs, but higher efficiency. Still ~5% of events will be register within 5μs Gamma to neutron suppression γ sensitivity with resect to neutrons , depending on threshold Higher threshold  stronger suppression but with efficiency loss Complete suppression possible. Operation point to be chosen according to actual conditions ACCSYS Collaboration Board Triestre, October 2018

19 ORPHEE nuclear reactor
nBLMs efficiency measurements Detector Efficiency ORPHEE nuclear reactor LLB, CEA Saclay 0.01 eV neutrons, flux 2×106 s-1 cm-2 Analysis ongoing Stable operation with high current (up to 600 nA), no discharges Verified that 5 mm Borflex absorbs completely the thermal neutrons study the detector operation parameters (B4C thickness, drift gap, operating voltages) to optimize signals (duration, amplitude etc.) Planning CEA Saclay SPR: 110 GBq AmBe, Co, Cs sources CEA Saclay: cryo-module testing CERN Linac4: Installed a detector in the hall (without interfering!) in Aug 2018. Profit from on-going run to test response, backgrounds, BEE (November) in most similar(?) conditions available to the ESS linac Other tests Fast detector Slow detector Dependence with neutron energy Mylar vs Polypropylene Dependence with neutron energy Double efficiency when 1 mm polypropylene is used instead of 100 μm Mylar. However, we choose the Mylar due to the stability of the metallization, sacrificing a factor 2 in count rate. Dependence with polyethylene Dependence with EDEP threshold For the slow detector the area of the moderator is used for the calculation (25×25 cm2) While for the fast the active zone (8×8 cm2) ! Moderator thickness chosen for final detector: 5 cm ACCSYS Collaboration Board Triestre, October 2018

20 Conclusion CEA Saclay/Irfu projet ESS | DATE

21 1. RFQ : machining of cavities seems to be under control
Conclusion 1. RFQ : machining of cavities seems to be under control 2. Elliptical Cryomodules : production phase is launched and assembly will start in january with industrial team. 3. Beam Instrumentation / Diagnostics : several mesures are going on to demonstrate performances before CDR milestones.

22 Thank you for your attention
CEA Saclay/Irfu projet ESS | DATE

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