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CEJ Coffee Cake & True Islam program Logistics

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1 CEJ Coffee Cake & True Islam program Logistics

2 Our Goal National Tabligh Dept has asked each Jamat to hold a Coffee Cake and Islam program every week – 52 programs a year We are going to achieve this by divide & conquer 4 Halqa or areas with concentration of Jamat members Each area will hold at least 2 programs per month as a target Each Area will have a small team composed of local Jamat members including Lajna and Khuddam Basic team structure requires 3 individuals per area, but anyone interested can join any team for making it successful. Deliverable : After each program, guest contact info to be collected and sent to Secretary Tabligh. We CAN do this, inshallah!

3 Tabligh Da-een Team Structure
Halqa1 Da-een Lead 1 Da-een Lead 2 Lajna Da-een 1 Halqa2 Dae-een- Lead 1 Halqa3 Halqa4 DA-EEN Face Book Admin/ Technical Support Secretary Tabligh Lajna Secretary Tabligh

4 Da-een Lead 1 & 2 functions
Each halqa will have a primary da-een assigned. Lead 1 would be responsible for coordinating dates, times, locations and team availability for arranging CCTI program for his region. Each halq should hold at least two CCTI programs a month. If Lead 1 is unavailable, Lead 2 would hold the program as scheduled. Da-een work requires fervent prayers and sacrifice of time, leadership consistency and visibility. Da-een should have printed business cards with his contact info Da-een should carry some books, flyers and feedback-forms for each program Da-een spends 50% of the time in ‘listening’ to guest’s viewpoint. Lead 1 consults with team & decides on Time, place Request sent to Facebook/admin team for Event creation and paid ad Lead 1+2 coordinates flyers distributions or any personal efforts for guest invitations Lajna member follows up on any Face Book likes +comments Event is held. Lead 1 sends attendance report to Secretary Tabligh

5 Lajna member functions
Monitor Facebook Page Interact and send acknowledgement notes in FaceBook Inform Da-een Lead 1 & 2 of status of registration status Attend Lajna –Only CCTI program Provide reports of the program to the Da-een Lead Lajna should hold separate women- only programs. If any lady guests are expected to attend the program, lajna member should coordinate and hold lajna-only separate CCTi like event with local Lajna Tabligh secretary. Lajna members would monitor Facebook likes, etc and respond to them with scripted responses. They can also train + delegate this task to the young lajna in the Facebook admin team

6 FaceBook Admin/Technical Team function
Receives Event details from Da-een Lead Creates Event Creates Event in Facebook Page Sets up $5 per event ad campaign Sends Status, receipt/bill to Da-een Lead The Facebook Technical/admin team would consist of mostly Khuddam and Lajna members who would be given access to the Facebook Admin page Admin team will create all event related entries in Facebook. Da-een Lead for each region will need to provide event details to this team for Facebook publication. Lajna-only events should be separately published in Facebook. Admin team will setup the paid- ad for each event Admin team will coordinate event creation on site Admin team will coordinate updates in and sites Young Lajna members in this team would work with the Lajna Daeen in responding to FaceBook posts, likes, comments, etc. Young Lajna monitors Facebook Page interactions Provides to standard scripted response to Likes, Going, Interested Collaborates with Lajna Daeen Lead for escalated interactions Updates Facebook Guest with responses Provides Reports of final count to Lajna Daeen Lead

7 Regional Da-een Team Details
Xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyyyy Edison/Plainfield xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx Old Bridge Xxxxxxx yyyyyyyyy Perth Amboy xxxxxxx yyyyyy Freehold Lajna team Lajna team Lajna team Lajna team Team leads are denoted with highlighted colors

8 HowTo: Create an event entry at
1 – go to 2 – scroll to the bottom of the page to find the link to register an event. 3 - Fill in the form and click submit Note: This does not create the facebook page, but used for jamat’s internal reporting

9 Facebook Do’s Standard response to ‘going’
Anyone with Facebook page should be able to interact with prospective guests with given guideline here Monitor our page Standard response to ‘going’ Thank you confirming your attendance. My name is Name. We are really looking forward to meeting you and share a dialogue and free refreshments. If you have any questions, please let me know. If you would be interested in any books on Islam free of cost, please do let me know and we will do our best to accommodate. Standard response to someone who either liked, was interested or did not attend after clicking ‘going’ Hi, this is Name. I saw you intended to come to our CCTI program but could not make it. I hope all is well. We really would love for you to join us for our next get-together. Here is the details of our next meet-up. Standard response to Like or ‘Interested’ Thank you for liking our page. Would love to meet you in person and hope you can attend our Coffee- cake-and-Islam program for an open dialogue. The refreshment is free. This week we are meeting at place at this time.

10 Facebook Don’ts Do not give out you personal email or phone#
Do not engage in lengthy or confrontational conversation Do not try to answer Religious or accusatory questions, rather respond as - “that is a great question, please come to our program and we can discuss” Do not engage in conversations that would violate purdah for either men or women. If someone has left negative comments, inform Daeen lead for response.

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