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Junior College Night Presentation

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1 Junior College Night Presentation

2 Langtree College Website
copies of documents, copies of bulletins 37&type=d&termREC_ID=&pREC_ID=740327

3 Langtree Charter Academy COLLEGE PROCESS
WHAT YOU SHOULD BE DOING NOW EVENTS AND DEADLINES CONTACTING THE COLLEGE OFFICE SENDING SCORES SENDING OUTSIDE TRANSCRIPTS & RECS FINANCIAL AID FEDAID checking s!!! Parents- make sure you are getting our s/checking newsletter questionnaire and then meeting set up visits spring break research colleges Junior Financial Aid Night Admissions Panel? Feel free to your college counselor! ED/EA/ROLLING Starting one on one meetings in August

4 Naviance
College Searches Admissions Information Keeping Track of Applications Teacher Recommendations Notification of Materials Sent College Rep Visits Update Decisions Parent Access 2 Academic recs- no MORE than that Can have one additional non academic rec If transferred from another school must get us transcript to send Working on getting college reps Parents can access as guest, password langtreeparent

5 Check out the FAFSA at
FSA ID - GET YOURS NOW STUDENT AND ONE PARENT EACH NEED AN ID Check out the FAFSA at START FILLING OUT FINANCIAL AID FORMS ON 10/1 Get FSA ID over the summer Takes a few days to get approved by the government FAFSA - CSS Profile- College Board Website Both open 10/1; ED/EA deadline typically when app due, all others due in January. Use 2018 tax info If you are populating with IRS info - DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING THEY PREPOPULATE

6 WORDS OF WISDOM Major Choice Career Choice vs. Major College Visits
Having a Balanced List College Price Tags Common Application Getting Started Now Always keep an open mind, nothing is ever set in stone, major or career Take notes on visits, both to remember and to help with supplement essays Keep options open when applying - don’t assume that they won’t be able to afford, just be realistic Main essay - workshops writing essays after AP exams Supplement essays - can be hidden

7 APPLICATION General Application ( Essay
Supplemental Essays Recommendations Resume Financial Aid (FAFSA/CSS Profile) Transcript/School Profile SAT/ACT Scores ( Student send application, essays, resume, scores parent does financial aid we send transcript and recommendations

8 What Factors Do College Admission Officers Review?
Grades Extracurricular Activities/Community Service Essay Teacher and Counselor Recommendations Standardized Test Scores Personal Accomplishments Diversity Demonstrated Interest Personality Work Experience Special Talents Intended Major Interview (optional) To be competitive you want to be as strong as you can in any areas that apply to you 1000 test optional schools - GPA, especially upward trends are important Most smaller colleges offer interviews in the fall - many before applications are even completed

9 CHOOSING FIT What is important? Location Academics Size Campus Appeal
Social Life Total Cost – Including Aid

10 Top reasons not to apply to more than 10 schools:
You will be writing supplements all throughout the fall semester so your grades will suffer. It is TOO expensive to pay the application fees ($50-$75 each) plus sending scores ($12 each). It is too time consuming to express interest, visit schools, go to rep meetings at Beacon, follow-up with, and interview at that many schools. Believe or not, receiving too many accept letters is extremely stressful. You will only have a few weeks to make your decision in April and not enough time to fully explore more than a few schools. You may have an extremely large amount of financial aid forms to complete which cost $36 for some schools. Also, you may want to fill out scholarship applications for each school. You may confuse colleges when writing specific essays for the school or while interviewing. It’s difficult to remember the exact details of so many schools. The more attention you can give to each school you love, the better your essays and interviews will be. You will not be able to enjoy your senior year. You’re creating more competition at each college, which makes it harder to get in.

11 Next Steps for Students…
In School Stay focused on academics Do not lighten your academic load for senior year Junior/Senior Meeting with College Advisor Stay involved in school activities Meet with college representatives in the Fall Standardized Testing Prepare for and register for ACT / SAT/ SAT Subject Tests Register for AP tests as appropriate College Exploration Explore colleges on the Web Visit colleges during the Spring and Summer Attend college fairs Thank PTC for their support and for making this event and all of our events possible.

12 Next Steps for Parents…
Make sure your child is: Balancing time between academics and extracurriculars Visiting college campuses Making contacts in admissions Setting up interviews (Optional) Notifying the counselors if they qualify for fee waivers Keeping track of deadlines both for the college office and for each individual college Working on essays AND any supplements necessary Make sure you are: Checking over your child’s application for errors Encouraging them to send in applications in advance of deadlines Getting tax forms and other financial information gathered for the financial aid process

13 Our High School’s Requirements for Applying to College
NAVIANCE Fill out waiver for Common Application Add all schools to “I’m Applying” list Mark whether you were accepted or denied Add teacher recommenders Indicate where you will be attending OTHER Review transcript to make sure there are no mistakes Ask teachers for recommendations and give them any information they require Call each school to make sure application is complete


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