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Regents and Vice Regents

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1 Regents and Vice Regents
Officer Training Scottsdale July, 2019

2 State Regents Set the tone of the court Be an outstanding model
Share spirituality Be organized Show responsibility Faithfulness The four P’s Prayerful Punctual Procedures Positive approach

3 State Regents Create agendas Preside at meetings Name chairman for Circle of Love Bylaws and Tools of the Trade Budgets, Allocation to Charity, Donations, Financial Review Standing Rules

4 State Regents Share information and ideas for projects.
Regents do not make motions. A motion must be made to discuss. Do not decide without support of the board. Regents do not enter into discussion once the motion is made and do not vote. A regent must relinquish the chair to enter into discussion.

5 State Regents Maintain confidentiality.
Conflict resolution must be followed ensuring a member receives due process. Regents Are ex-officio members of all committees except the nominating committee. The retiring state regent does not meet with the new officers after installation of officers.

6 State Regents Vouchers Regent “starts” the voucher.
Secretary approves voucher from regent, records, sends to treasurer. Treasurer receives voucher from secretary, records transaction and sends check. (All checks must have two signatures.)

7 State Regent At least four board meetings are required per year
Board members only attend board meetings. Only four vote: First Vice Regent Second Vice Regent Secretary Treasurer State Chaplain has a voice but no vote.

8 State Regents Common courtesies
Phone calls/ s/written correspondence returned in a timely manner. Use the chain of command with questions. However, a member has the right to contact any local, state, national officer or board member. Be kind to one another! It is the right thing to do!

9 State Regent Courts must be supported and supervised.
Appoint and train chairmen and district deputies. Courts in trouble? State Regent should be aware. Reprieve for six months Only State Regent may disband a court

10 Vice Regents Vice Regents should be aware of all problems/concerns in the court. Vice Regents must study the Bylaws and Tools of the Trade Should be assigned specific duties.

11 Vice Regents’ Jobs Court Development District Deputy Chairman
Leadership Training Membership Newsletter Officer Training Projects Publicity State Fund raising chairman

12 And finally… to ensure that CDA grows in your state
You have been elected by the membership of your state: to ensure that CDA grows in your state to work on problems to build on successes to move your state forward You are the present leadership of the state. BUT you are also its future. We are here to help!

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