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Jeopardy Geography Rulers and politics It’s interesting to see Do you

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Geography Rulers and politics It’s interesting to see Do you"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Geography Rulers and politics It’s interesting to see Do you
know them? Facts and myths Culture 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

2 The capital of the United States of America
$100 Question Topic 1 The capital of the United States of America

3 $100 Answer Topic 1 Washington D.C.

4 Return

5 The UK is situated on an…. Island Peninsula Continent Great Britain
$200 Question Topic 1 The UK is situated on an…. Island Peninsula Continent Great Britain

6 $200 Answer Topic 1 A. Island

7 Return

8 How many states are there in the USA? 19 c) 50 23 d) 48
$300 Question Topic 1 How many states are there in the USA? 19 c) 50 23 d) 48

9 $300 Answer Topic 1 c) 50

10 Return

11 How many parts are there in London? 2 c) 3 5 d) 4
$400 Question Topic 1 How many parts are there in London? 2 c) 3 5 d) 4

12 East End, West End, the City and Westminster
$400 Answer Topic 1 d) 4 East End, West End, the City and Westminster

13 Return

14 How many people live in the USA?
$500 Question Topic 1 How many people live in the USA? 300 million c) 450 million 250 million d) 180 million

15 Answer 5 Topic 1 a) 300 million

16 Return

17 How many children does the Queen have?
$100 Question Topic 2 How many children does the Queen have? two c) four three d) five

18 $100 Answer Topic 2 c) four

19 Return

20 $200 Question Topic 2 A person who wants to become the President of the USA must be at least… years old 45 c) 24 18 d) 35

21 $200 Answer Topic 2 d) 35

22 Return

23 $300 Question Topic 2 Who rules the UK in fact ?
The Monarch c) the people The Prime Minister d) the President

24 $300 Answer Topic 2 b) The Prime Minister

25 Return

26 What parts does the US Congress consist of?
$400 Question Topic 2 What parts does the US Congress consist of? House of Representatives and House of Lords House of Representatives and Senate House of Commons and Senate House of Commons and House of Lords

27 b) House of Representatives and Senate
$400 Answer Topic 2 b) House of Representatives and Senate

28 Return

29 Where are laws made in the UK?
$500 Question Topic 2 Where are laws made in the UK? Westminster Palace Buckingham Palace Windsor Palace Kensington Palace

30 Answer 5 Topic 2 Westminster Palace

31 Return

32 $100 Question Topic 3 The Bloody Tower is in… The Tower of London
Westminster Abbey Trafalgar Square Buckingham Palace

33 $100 Answer Topic 3 The Tower of London

34 Return

35 What is one of the most popular American theatres?
$200 Question Topic 3 What is one of the most popular American theatres? Shakespeare's theatre Opéra Garnier La Scala The Broadway

36 $200 Answer Topic 3 d) The Broadway

37 Return

38 You can see Beefeaters in…
$300 Question Topic 3 You can see Beefeaters in… Windsor Castle The Tower of London Buckingham Palace Trafalgar Square

39 $300 Answer Topic 3 b) The Tower of London

40 Return

41 What is the full name of the Statue of Liberty?
$400 Question Topic 3 What is the full name of the Statue of Liberty? Liberty Enlightening the World Desired Liberty Liberty One For All Liberty From France to America

42 Liberty Enlightening the World
$400 Answer Topic 3 Liberty Enlightening the World

43 Return

44 $500 Question Topic 3 Where is Cadbury World? Wales Scotland England
Northern Ireland

45 Answer 5 Topic 3 c) England, Birmingham

46 Return

47 $100 Question Topic 4 James Cook was An engineer An explorer
An admiral A scientist

48 $100 Answer Topic 4 b) An explorer

49 Return

50 Abraham Lincoln was a professional…
$200 Question Topic 4 Abraham Lincoln was a professional… Lawyer c) teacher Story-teller d) soldier

51 $200 Answer Topic 4 a) lawyer

52 Return

53 Who discovered penicillin?
$300 Question Topic 4 Who discovered penicillin? a) Alexander Flemming b) Richard Burbage c) Robert Stevenson d) Arthur Macmillan

54 $300 Answer Topic 4 Alexander Flemming

55 Return

56 What fact about John Rockfeller is NOT true?
$400 Question Topic 4 What fact about John Rockfeller is NOT true? he owned Standard Oil company he was a Baptist He established a charity fund and a university His wife was an actress

57 d) His wife was an actress True fact: his wife was a teacher
$400 Answer Topic 4 d) His wife was an actress True fact: his wife was a teacher

58 Return

59 Who is called an American Walter Scott in Europe?
$500 Question Topic 4 Who is called an American Walter Scott in Europe? Edgar Poe Fennimore Cooper William Porter Theodore Dreiser

60 Answer 5 Topic 4 b) Fennimore Cooper

61 Return

62 When did the Vikings invade England?
$100 Question Topic 5 When did the Vikings invade England? In c) in 1666 In d) in 1341

63 $100 Answer Topic 5 a) In 793

64 Return

65 What people gave Britain its name, calling the country “Britannia”?
$200 Question Topic 5 What people gave Britain its name, calling the country “Britannia”? The Danes c) the Romans The Vikings d) the Normans

66 $200 Answer Topic 5 c) The Romans

67 Return

68 $300 Question Topic 5 Who won the Civil War in 1865?
The North c) the East The West d) the South

69 $300 Answer Topic 5 a) The North

70 Return

71 Who made themselves the Head of the Church of England?
$400 Question Topic 5 Who made themselves the Head of the Church of England? a) Queen Victoria b) Charles I c) Henry VIII d) Elizabeth I

72 $400 Answer Topic 5 c) Henry VIII

73 Return

74 It took Sir Christopher Wren 35 years to build…
$500 Question Topic 5 It took Sir Christopher Wren 35 years to build… a) Westminster Abbey b) Saint Paul’s Cathedral c) The Tower of London d) The National Gallery

75 b) Saint Paul’s Cathedral
Answer 5 Topic 5 b) Saint Paul’s Cathedral

76 Return

77 What colour was a famous submarine in the song of “The Beatles”?
$100 Question Row 6 What colour was a famous submarine in the song of “The Beatles”? a) Red c) Orange b) Blue d) Yellow

78 $100 Answer Row 6 d) yellow

79 Return

80 What is the most popular sport in the U.S.?
$200 Question Row 6 What is the most popular sport in the U.S.? Rugby c) soccer Golf d) hockey

81 $200 Answer Row 6 a) Rugby

82 Return

83 Who helps schoolchildren to cross the street near the school?
$300 Question Row 6 Who helps schoolchildren to cross the street near the school? a) a policeman b) a lollipop lady c) a fireman d) a road gentleman

84 $300 Answer Row 6 b) Lollipop lady

85 Return

86 What do the Americans call the busiest shopping day of the year?
$400 Question Row 6 What do the Americans call the busiest shopping day of the year? Annual Sale Christmas Eve Black Friday Sunday Shopping

87 $400 Answer Row 6 c) Black Friday

88 Return

89 $500 Question Row 6 Guy Fawkes Night is on … a) 5 November
b) 5 October c) 31 October d) 25 December

90 Answer 5 Row 6 a) The 5th of November

91 Return

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