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Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) & Relevance of Interoperability

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Presentation on theme: "Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) & Relevance of Interoperability"— Presentation transcript:

1 Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) & Relevance of Interoperability
7 August 2019

2 Various communication options Interoperability Standardization issues
Topics covered Motivation beyond AMR Benefits Various communication options Interoperability Standardization issues Present status Conclusion CPRI’s activities in AMR 7 August 2019

3 Necessity to automate the operation of Energy Meter Reading.
Motivation Necessity to automate the operation of Energy Meter Reading. To generate data base – can be used for different application apart from billing – e.g. Load profile, network expansion etc. Methodology oriented towards use of available infrastructure & technology. Tariff – open plan – (Metering tariff similar to Telecommunication sector) 7 August 2019

4 For better relationship between utilities (Electricity provider) and Electricity Consumers.
Utilities get better control and monitoring of electricity consumption. Utilities are implementing 100% metering and Static Meters are also finding their place in utilities. Online data base. Need Control Centre System Meter Communication Channel 7 August 2019

5 Benefits of an AMR system include
Save on regular "on-cycle" meter reading. Obtain more easily (and in some cases, instantly) initial and final meter readings for opening and closing accounts. Streamline high bill investigations. Flag potential high consumption before customers get a high bill. Help pinpoint system losses. Help detect theft of service. 7 August 2019

6 Enable custom billing dates.
Support customized rates (e.g., for large customers). Provide detailed consumption information to customers. Provide watchdog services, like leakage monitoring, peak period billing. Improve cash flow management. Improve revenue forecasting, by tying detailed consumption information to production data and expected billings. Aid in tariff design (postpaid / prepaid – various packages). 7 August 2019

7 Enable more frequent readings with little incremental cost.
Enable more sophisticated rates; i.e., more closely track costs, or encourage energy conservation. Improve meter management; ensure meters are properly sized; determine optimal time in service or cumulative registration. Reduce bill adjustments. 7 August 2019

7 August 2019 Information We Can Get From Intelligent Metering System Maintenance Customer Billing Energy Accounting Disconnections & Reconnections Tariff design Losses Revenue Protection Load Control Distribution Automation Forecasting Complaints Power Quality Transfers & Vacancies Managing Credit Collecting Cash Operation Expansion What a Distribution Utility does Metering Information State of art Energy Meters with Automatic Meter Reading system & backend I.T. support can provide all these information. INFORMATION WE CAN GET FROM INTELLIGENT METERING 7 August 2019

9 Communication Protocols
Most of protocols derived from OSI 7 layer model and most of them are based on 3-layer DLMS (Distribution Line Message Specification) IEC standards IEEE standards ANSI standards European CENELEC standards Proprietary standards 7 August 2019

10 For economical and the nature of data flow, different media are used.
Communication Medium For economical and the nature of data flow, different media are used. Power Line Carrier Communication (PLCC) Public Switched Trunk Network (PSTN) – Conventional Telephone Radio - VHF & Microwave / VSAT & GSM/CDMA Optical Fiber Cables (OFC) 7 August 2019

11 Various AMR Technologies
PLCC (Power Line Carrier Communication) also known as Distribution Line Carrier Communication (DLCC) for Low Voltage lines. PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) GSM (Global System of Mobile Communication) CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) LPR /SRR (Low Power Radio / Short Range Radio) VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) 7 August 2019

12 It works on 2.4 Ghz ISM (INDUSTRY SCIENTIFIC MEDICINE) band
New Technologies ZigBee It works on 2.4 Ghz ISM (INDUSTRY SCIENTIFIC MEDICINE) band Use of this band do not require any license in many countries Frequency used is 915 Mhz in USA and 868 Mhz band in Europe Has low power consumption Simpler & cheaper than Bluetooth Can form routed mesh network 7 August 2019

13 (Very Small Aperture Terminal)
VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) High Initial cost Suitable for Grid metering. Used where real time data is required 7 August 2019

14 AMR / AMI / Smart Metering / AMM
AMR – Capturing meter data electronically (local / remote) and transferring to billing centers. AMI – Collecting as much as details of consumer loads (load profile), process and present relevant data & statistics to relevant users (billing, planning, vigilance, regulatory, consumer, executive management, energy audit /account group etc) – Software centric. Smart Metering – AMI + (Demand Side) control (consumer / utility or both) AMM – Generic 7 August 2019

15 Why Immediate Attention?
Meter data is becoming vital part in deciding many of the performance and planning parameters of utilities. Many of utilities are looking for automation to manage huge amount useful data generated from meters and other sources of grid/network. AMR is becoming part of DA/DSM/SCADA leading to AMI / Smart metering solution. AMR / AMI is becoming best tool to check AT & C losses and control / detect pilferages. 7 August 2019

16 Total population - 130 Lakhs Total Consumers - 3 Million.
7 August 2019 Statistics - DISCOM Area ,000 sq km. Number of districts - 7 Total population Lakhs Total Consumers - 3 Million. No. of Distribution transformers - 75,000 Length of HT lines - 49,000 Circuit Kms Length of LT lines - 97,000 Circuit Kms 7 August 2019

17 Implementation Phases
Interface & Feeder meters (mostly along with integrated SCADA) HT consumers (Industrial & Commercial) Distribution Transformers (DTs) LT consumers (commercial and domestic) All other categories (100% metering, 100% AMR) 7 August 2019

18 Interoperability Different user groups and applications require different sets of data from meter data bank. A simple application may require merely a daily consumption for simple billing and pilferages monitoring (ex. residential). Planning wing of a utility may require load profile data for a typical industrial / commercial area to make decision for load splitting or for enhancing capacity of transformers. This calls for standardized open protocol for accessing required / selective meter data for each type of user in a more efficient, secured and reliable way. 7 August 2019

19 Standardization Issues
At present there is no unique International product standard for AMR. Few countries are already having their own National specific AMR standards (e.g. China). However many National and International bodies / organisations are working on standardization. 7 August 2019

20 Indian Scenario Generic standard for AMR is available (adopted from relevant IEC standards) – IS (part 1 & 2): 1999 (Reaffirmed 2004) - Telemetering for Consumption and demands. This standard refers following cross references for type test requirements of AMR systems and meters IS 1766: Time Switches for Metering and Load control. IS 13779: AC Static Watt-hour Meters, Class 1 & 2 - Specification. IS 14697: AC Static Transformer operated watt-hour and VAr -hour Meters, Class 0.2 S and 0.5 S - Specifications. IS 15707:2006 Testing, Evaluation, Installation and Maintenance of AC electricity meters - Code of practice. CBIB TR No. 88: 1999 – Specifications for AC Static Electrical Energy meters ( + cross references within above all standards) Apart from above, specific communication protocol tests are required – few standards are IEC (DLMS /COSEM). 7 August 2019

21 Meter Protocol standard

22 (source: Websites/periodicals/reports/correspondence)
Present Scenario Worldwide many utilities are having pilot / commercial deployment of AMR / AMI systems (many with integrated SCADA). In India too, many utilities are coming up with pilot / commercial deployment of AMR To name a few - BESCOM, NDPL, BSES- R & Y, BEST, SOUTHCO, MGVCL, MPMKVVCL (source: Websites/periodicals/reports/correspondence) 7 August 2019

23 Mobile Telecom Scenario
7 August 2019 Mobile Telecom Scenario GSM CDMA Global Standards User Friendly. Manufacturers adhere to standards. Voice Data Supported Many value added services. Rate of growth is Fast. 7 August 2019

24 Future Meters - Vision Local Intelligent Meter Display Unit
Pole mounted Cluster AMR meter cubicles 45.00 230V 11kV/440V 35.25 SS 33/11kV 07.00 Internet Billing Server / EMS DISCOM – HQ MIS 7 August 2019

25 Need for Seamless Connectivity
Conclusion To have a similar growth in power sector any meter of any make shall be needed by any application from anywhere. Need for Seamless Connectivity For any AMR system, mix up of different communication technology is required for end to end complete solution. The communication technology for different levels of AMR systems are to be decided based on existing communication infrastructures of utility, cost, purpose of AMR (billing, load profile, valued added services, outage management etc) and ease of installation. 7 August 2019

26 Integrated AMR enabled meters reduces cost
Conclusion (Contd.) Integrated AMR enabled meters reduces cost Modem cost is falling & further reduction in overall cost is possible in near future due to massive deployment of AMR systems by utilities. Selection of appropriate communication medium also plays vital role in determining cost & reliability of AMR. 7 August 2019

27 Conclusion Utilities get online data regarding energy consumption, generation, loss and revenue. Energy theft can be minimized and defaulters can be penalized by disconnecting the supply remotely. Use of available technology & infrastructure - by integrating system to suit the requirements like adapting different communication media & protocols like IEC. Open protocol implementation simplifies integration of meter network to ERP / SCADA system of utility. 7 August 2019

28 AMR Feasibility studies.
CPRI’s Services in AMR Offer consultancy in building AMR system and testing & evaluation of AMR systems. AMR Feasibility studies. Technology & product assessments including communications technologies. Conformance test tool for IEC / DLMS compliant meters and developmental assistance. Collaborative work in development / standardization of product, evaluation & testing of product and commercial / pilot scale deployment. 7 August 2019

29 Questions ? 7 August 2019

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