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Dzmitry Kliazovich University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

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1 Dzmitry Kliazovich University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Barcelona, 11th May 2010 CogProt: A Framework for Cognitive Configuration and Optimization of Communication Protocols Dzmitry Kliazovich University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Neumar Malheiros, University of Campinas, Brazil Nelson L. S. da Fonseca, Edmundo Madeira Fabrizio Granelli University of Trento, Italy

2 Outline Introduction The Cognitive Framework Performance Evaluation

3 Motivation Advancements in network technologies dramatically increased management complexity Degradation of performance due to time-varying network conditions is a challenging issue. It is not always possible to anticipate the best setup due to the unpredictable state of the network.

4 Goal A novel approach to dynamic reconfiguration of network protocols
Cognitive networking Cross-layer design Distributed decision-making

5 The Proposed Solution CogProt: cognitive framework for dynamic adjustment of communication protocols Support initial setup and runtime reconfiguration Decentralized Incremental deployment Low processing requirements TCP/IP compliant

6 CogProt Overview

7 The Cognitive Loop

8 Performance Evaluation
Ns-2 simulations Parameter of interest: increase factor of the TCP congestion window

9 Average Throughput

10 Throughput over Time

11 Conclusion We have proposed a distributed cognitive framework to deal with management complexity and avoid performance degradation No changes on standard protocol messages or operation. Incremental deployment Wide range of tunable parameters

12 Future Work Evaluation of other probability distributions
Application to other TCP/IP protocols Real implementation Further development of CIS architecture and signaling

13 Thank you. Neumar Malheiros

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