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Welcome Senior Parents

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1 Welcome Senior Parents

2 Options Diploma … then … Something more…. Apprenticeship
College degree 4 year, 2 year Certification—CNA, EMT, etc Job Corp vocational training Military enlistment Service career-Peace Corp, etc

3 Communication Remind TEXT To: 618-205-5784 Message: @chsguidanc
Also sent to student’s school Twitter Classroom time or senior workshops

4 Time Table for Senior Year
Apply __now___ Before Fall Break_________ Parchment__now___________ Go visit colleges___now__________ Cap and Gown__11/28______ Classes/Grades___ongoing___________ Scholarships__now________ Financial Aid__9/28___ FAFSA___11/2___ Decisions__Now until May 1_____ Graduation__6/1_________

5 FAFSA—Help?!? FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
Due Date March ? Sooner it is complete, the sooner you will hear from a college September 28th, 7pm Financial Aid Night in PAC ISM College Planning, ISFAA FAFSA Completion Night November 2, 4-8pm—takes about an hour Students will receive orange folder with info what to bring Bring all materials to CHS- parent and student complete form online together with expert help

6 Testing ACT and SAT—ASAP ASVAB—October 11—Career Exploration Test
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery—most widely used multiple aptitude test battery in the world (14,000 schools) Scores are sent to Cascade High School with a thorough interest inventory test Armed Services do not get test results

7 College Athletics Students must fill out an eligibility form for the NCAA or NAIA clearinghouse. You will be ineligible to play without clearinghouse certification. Visit or Each costs money to complete. Follow up with your college coach as you go through the process.

8 Where to Find Scholarship Information?
Search the internet—just don’t pay College website Automatic merit upon applying Others by application and/or interview Your employer, organizations, church Remind messages Guidance Office Our website Mill Creek, CHS, Guidance, Current Scholarships available

9 STRESSED OUT! Students should be doing the work!! Schedule a date
Use a planning calendar together Ask for help Plan ahead Use Remind— same Talk Listen Empower

10 Passwords/Logins SAT, ACT, parchment, college apps, scholarships, power school, , …….. Keep a notebook by computer Use notepad in phone Take pictures on your phone

11 SUCCESS AWAY FROM HOME Support them—even during 2nd guessing
Make early contact with their roommate Go to orientation over summer Know their logins Send “pieces of home” Visit them Know their town, campus Call them some Allow them to pull away Do not allow them to come home until college Football Homecoming

12 College Go Week Thursday, September 28, 11:15-12:30
College and Career Readiness Activities Career & College Application Day PERSONAL attention Face to Face contact Thursday, September 28, 11:15-12:30 Online app, parchment, transcript, personal statement Paper app,

13 PLEASE ALWAYS ASK Questions? Call or email 317-539-9315 x704

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