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Unit 2 Review 600 B.C.E. – 600 C.E..

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1 Unit 2 Review 600 B.C.E. – 600 C.E.

2 Key Concept 2.1: The Development and Codification of Religious and Cultural Traditions
As empires grew, religions developed and transformed Provided ethical code Influenced political (merged at times), economic and social structures Could lead to conflict Development of existing traditions Judaism from the Hebrew scriptures Hinduism from the Vedic texts New belief systems Buddhism Confucianism Daoism Christianity Greco-Roman philosophy

3 Key Concept 2.1: The Development and Codification of Religious and Cultural Traditions
Belief systems affected gender roles Continued cultural traditions of core civilizations Shamanism & Animism Ancestor reverence Cultural developments in art, literature, drama and sculpture Greek plays Indian epics Greco-Roman influence Development of distinct architectural styles Greece The Roman Empire

4 Key Concept 2.2: The Development of States and Empires
Number and size of states grew dramatically Southwest Asia: Persian Empire East Asia: Qin and Han Empires South Asia: Maurya and Gupta Empires Mediterranean region: Phoenicia and it’s colonies, Greek city-states and colonies, and Hellenistic and Roman Empires Mesoamerica: Teotihuacan, Maya city-states Andean South America: Moche Developed new administrative techniques Centralized government Elaborate legal systems and bureaucracies Used militaries Developed supply lines Built fortifications, walls and roads Drew military officers and soldiers from local populations Diplomacy

5 Key Concept 2.2: The Development of States and Empires
Empires promoted trade Built roads Issued currency Built cities Centers for trade Religious centers Political administration Stratified patriarchal social structures Collapsed due to overextension Excessive mobilization of resources damaged the environment External problems (security issues along the frontiers)

6 Key Concept 2.3: Emergence of Transregional Networks of Communication and Exchange
Transregional trade routes Eurasian Silk Roads Trans-Saharan caravan routes Indian Ocean sea lanes Mediterranean sea lanes Local trade routes America Oceania New technologies Yokes Saddles Stirrups Lateen sails Dhow ships

7 Key Concept 2.3: Emergence of Transregional Networks of Communication and Exchange
Domesticated animals Horses Oxen Llamas Camels Exchanges of technology, disease and culture Irrigation techniques The qanat system Disease pathogens Rome Religious transformations Christianity Hinduism Buddhism

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