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STATEL an easy way to transfer data

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Presentation on theme: "STATEL an easy way to transfer data"— Presentation transcript:

1 STATEL an easy way to transfer data
Data Collection User Group Gordon DeGrandis Contraste Europe SA

2 Data transfer for any size file That is secure and reliable
Do you need Data transfer for any size file That is secure and reliable Integrates into existing applications and networks Uses standard protocols Data Collection User Group - Contraste Europe SA

3 Yes I do We will see what are some of the attributes of a data transfer solution Data Collection User Group - Contraste Europe SA

4 STATEL Global view Data Collection User Group - Contraste Europe SA

5 Data transfer solution
Should provide a common set of services Data transfer service Application service Administration service Data Collection User Group - Contraste Europe SA

6 Service attributes Data transfer service
Guaranteed delivery without user intervention Automatic retransmission of lost or damaged data Transparent backup of transferred data Transparent archive of transferred data Data Collection User Group - Contraste Europe SA

7 Service attributes Data transfer service Transparent data segmentation
Allows transmission of a large amount of data Transport is not the limiting factor (SMTP, X400) Allows for intelligent retransmission File naming independent of the host OS No data loss problems because of naming Data Collection User Group - Contraste Europe SA

8 Service attributes Data transfer service
Status information for transfers Is the data in transit, received, used? Status information is available through the STATEL API Support for multiple applications Reuse of the same software installation Protection from accidental use or deletion of data by different applications Data Collection User Group - Contraste Europe SA

9 Service attributes Data transfer service
Transferred data is only available using the data transfer service Allows for acknowledgement of reception Allows for correct status information Provides usage information Data Collection User Group - Contraste Europe SA

10 Data transfer solution
Should provide a common set of services Data transfer service Application service Administration service Data Collection User Group - Contraste Europe SA

11 Service attributes Application service
Application to application data transfer service Provides for bi-directional data transfer Applications can send and receive using the same service Provides similar services on different platforms Data Collection User Group - Contraste Europe SA

12 Service attributes Application service
Provides a programmatic interface for applications API library for different platforms Command interface for different platforms Independent of the underlying transport Independent of the platforms (UNIX, Linux, Win9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000) Data Collection User Group - Contraste Europe SA

13 Data transfer solution
Should provide a common set of services Data transfer service Application service Administration service Data Collection User Group - Contraste Europe SA

14 Administration service
Service attributes Administration service Installation package Customised automatically Downloadable from a WEB site Automatic configuration of intermediate hosts Configurable local store Local copy of transferred data Has a link to the status information Data Collection User Group - Contraste Europe SA

15 Service attributes Administration service Logging of events
Local reading of received data Local writing of data for transmission Remote deletion of transmitted data Any errors and or warnings Statistics collection For the data transmission process Includes size, speed, retransmissions For local and remote sites Data Collection User Group - Contraste Europe SA

16 Administration service
Service attributes Administration service A single point of control per site Site traffic is collected Traffic can be scheduled to optimise the use of available bandwidth Return traffic can also be collected Site parameters can be changed and or monitored Individual workstations communicate with the site controller Data Collection User Group - Contraste Europe SA

17 STATEL Global view Data Collection User Group - Contraste Europe SA

18 System Environment PC Workstations Win9x Windows NT Windows 2000
UNIX - Solaris UNIX - AIX Linux Data Collection User Group - Contraste Europe SA

19 Corporate LANs and WANs supported
Network environment Corporate LANs and WANs supported Non corporate network connectivity as well Protocols include Kermit, FTP, SMTP, and X.400 Support for firewalls and proxies Data Collection User Group - Contraste Europe SA

20 Use of different transport media
Network environment Use of different transport media Supported for the same data stream without application changes Support for special DMZs No access to corporate servers from the site collection machine Site collection machine acts as a store and forward gateway in the DMZ Data Collection User Group - Contraste Europe SA

21 STATEL provides this service transparently to applications
What is STATEL An API (application programming interface) that provides a data transfer service STATEL provides this service transparently to applications STATEL does this independent of the underlying transport Data Collection User Group - Contraste Europe SA

22 End to end data exchange Managed and automated
STATEL Overview End to end data exchange Managed and automated Secure and reliable data transfers Platform and application independent Non intrusive Easy to download and install Data Collection User Group - Contraste Europe SA

23 Scalable and grows with your transfer needs
STATEL Overview Scalable and grows with your transfer needs You control when transmission takes place Keeps a record of what was done Uses standard transmission protocols (FTP, SMTP, etc.) Data Collection User Group - Contraste Europe SA

24 STATEL Architecture Data Collection User Group - Contraste Europe SA

25 Transfer medium independence Operating System independence
STATEL Features Transfer medium independence Operating System independence Application to application protocol Uses standard transfer protocols Secure and reliable Integrates into existing networks Extensive status information Data Collection User Group - Contraste Europe SA

26 Questions and discussion
STATEL An easy way to transfer data

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