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Pebble Watch 2011-2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Pebble Watch 2011-2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pebble Watch

2 What is Pebble Watch? Impartial, educational and fact-based resource to share information about the proposed Pebble project with BBNC shareholders Does not integrate or interpret data Helps readers better understand data by providing summaries and context: Why is data being collected? How may data be used in permitting? How do agencies use these data? Pebble Watch is an impartial, educational and fact-based initiative of the BBNC Land Department to disseminate information regarding the proposed Pebble Mine project to BBNC shareholders and interested parties. Pebble Watch does not attempt to integrate or interpret data; this would occur during an Environmental Impact Statement process. Instead, we seek to help BBNC shareholders better understand data by providing summaries as well as context, such as how the data may be used in the permitting process and how it relates to regulatory benchmarks.

3 What is Pebble Watch? Communication-based initiative and resource:
In-person meetings/visits – As scheduled and on request Print newsletter – mailed to shareholders Website – www. Science team – Scientists, science communicators and permitting specialist research and address questions We have created Pebble Watch as a resource primarily for shareholders. Our team includes experienced science communicators as well as environmental scientists, a permitting expert and a geologist with knowledge of geographic information systems (GIS) mapping—and the BBNC Land Department. In addition to our print newsletter, we travel to numerous communities to give presentations.

4 First, some background…
Proposed Pebble Project First, some background… Why is Pebble Watch needed? Well, quite literally, it’s complicated.

5 Project Location The red box on this map indicates the proposed Pebble project location. The project includes both the proposed mine site area and the proposed transportation corridor area.

6 Review: What is NEPA? National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA):
Is triggered by major federal actions (in this case: submittal of Section 404 Permit application to the US Army Corps of Engineers® (USACE). Requires an Environmental Assessment (EA) and/or (most likely) Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Will be the major driver behind Pebble permitting. Now for a quick primer on the permitting process initiated after a new mine plan is submitted: The major driver behind this permitting process is the National Environmental Policy Act, or “NEPA.” When a developer submits its Section 404 permit application to the US Army Corps of Engineers, this sets off a series of other requirements and actions. The first submittal by Pebble developers that we expect to see would be the “Section 404 permit,” required in cases where there will be discharge of dredge or fill material into U.S. waters, including wetlands. The proposed mine is expected to require an EIS process because of its potential impacts.

7 Pebble Project Status Update
Study Reports: 20 Study Reports will be incorporated into the final EIS. The EIS will be based on the information in these study reports. PLP has so far released 14 Study Reports. No new reports released since 2009 Highly anticipated fisheries and wetlands reports/data have not yet been released. Feeding the information in the EIS is a series of study reports created by Pebble Limited Partnership (PLP). As of March 2011, the most highly anticipated reports – including one on regional fisheries – had not yet been released.

8 Pebble Project Status Update
As of March 2011: No permit applications or project plan filed. PLP has publicly named 2011 for permitting. EPA oversight of Clean Water Act wastewater permitting & enforcement for mines turned over to the State in November 2010 (as anticipated). 404c-related EPA announcement begins long process. BBNC continues to keep Board Members and shareholders informed through Pebble Watch. Recently, PLP has made an announcement that it plans to begin filing permit applications as early as One of our major efforts with Pebble Watch has been to ensure shareholders are informed about how that permit process will proceed as soon as the first steps are taken. Note: The item regarding EPA oversight being turned over to the state is part of a nationwide change. Alaska DEC now has oversight of the Clean Water Act permitting for mines. (Regulations under this oversight may not be any less strict than those the federal government has in place, and EPA retains authority and can step in any time.)

9 Communicating Study Reports
Pebble Watch: Team summarizes the reports into “bite size” pieces. Each Pebble Watch newsletter focuses on a report or logical grouping of reports. Newsletters do not integrate the data; the EIS will do that. Goals : Give shareholders easier access to the reports and data, help them understand what these say, and how they will be used. PLP is expected to release 20 study reports on varying topics. Normally the study reports contain a vast amount if information. The Pebble Watch newsletters offer an informed and valuable way to look at the data – a means to navigate it, and to understand what it means well enough that you can evaluate it for yourself, and maybe come up with new questions that are of significance to you and your community.

10 Study Reports in Pebble Watch
Publication plan, 2011: F Groundwater & Surface Water Quality – Q1, 2011 (In Progress for Jan.) H Aquatic Macroinvertebrates and Periphyton* I Marine Nearshore Habitat* C Surficial Geology* J Marine Nearshore Fish and Benthic Invertebrates* – Q3, 2011 B Surface Water Hydrology* D Groundwater Hydrology* – Q1, 2011 L Iliamna Lake Studies – Q3, 2011 K Noise* – Q4, 2011 N Terrestrial and Wildlife Habitat – Q2, 2011 M Visual Resources* – Q4, 2011 Here are the planned topics for 2011, in order: Three newsletters have been published already (Meteorology, Trace Elements, Surface Water and Groundwater Quality) This schedule is subject to change. (*multiple topics in one issue)

11 Pebble Watch activities
Three newsletters published (Meteorology, Trace Elements, special 8-page issue on Surface Water & Groundwater Quality) Next issue: hydrology Website online since December 2010, updated twice weekly Community visits Complements BBNC Responsible Development ad campaign & video Pebble Watch activities include a print newsletter, a website, and in-person visits by the Pebble Watch team. Our efforts are separate from, but complement, the BBNC Responsible Development ad campaign.

12 Pebble Watch Timeline (update)
2011 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2012 This timeline is based on what we know of the permitting process and what announcements PLP has made about its plans. It is subject to change at any time. Permitting

13 Pebble Watch Activities
The Pebble Watch website, launched in December 2010, is updated weekly with information on resources as well as news related to the Pebble project, and news about Land Department travel and events related to Pebble.

14 We use the site to bring information to shareholders and other interested parties.

15 Or sharing news updates.

16 Pebble Watch Activities
The site features a calendar, where you can keep up on Land Department’s upcoming presentations on Pebble as well as other related Pebble activities.

17 Pebble Watch Activities
We have a Frequently Asked Questions section that addresses how the Pebble Watch initiative works and answers some basic, common questions about the proposed Pebble project.

18 This land ownership map located on our website is part of our FAQ section and helps demonstrate some impacts of the proposed project.

19 Pebble Watch Activities
Past and current issues of Pebble Watch newsletters may be downloaded directly from the site.

20 The third issue of the Pebble Watch newsletter was a special 8-page edition on water quality, published in the first quarter of 2011.

21 The newsletter’s format gives us room to go into more depth on issues that shareholders care about, such as how results may relate to salmon and other aquatic life.

22 Here’s one example of how the newsletter helps complement the data by putting it into context. On this chart, the team showed how the results from trace elements sampling for copper and arsenic compare with existing benchmarks for animal, human and plant health. (The report itself was mainly just pages and pages of data from individual sampling sites.)

23 Contact Information Tiel Smith BBNC Land Department (907) Francisca Demoski BBNC Land Department (907)

24 (Our Land)
Website Information (Our Land)

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