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Do you ever feel like this?

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Presentation on theme: "Do you ever feel like this?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do you ever feel like this?

2 Motivating yourself to learn

3 Learning objectives Realise what motivates you to study
Understand definitions of types of motivation Become aware of connections between subjects studied and types of motivation Find reasons for positive attitudes to studying all subjects

4 Task 1 Work in pairs Interview each other using Handout 1
When you’ve finished, report to another pair

5 Task 2 Work alone Try the questionnaire on Handout 2
When you’ve finished, discuss in small groups One member of the group report back to me

6 Types of motivation Task 3 Extrinsic Intrinsic Integrated Instrumental
Read Handout 3 for details List your subjects and tick  the types

7 Attitude “Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.” Lou Holtz, 1937

8 Reasons for a positive attitude to subjects you don’t like…
“I’m sick of learning languages. However, many of the jobs I’m interested in require Level 3 English and Chinese HKCEE. So, I’m prepared to study..” “I used to enjoy maths, but now I have a new teacher who is really boring. Maybe I can study in the self-access centre to keep myself interested, or study with a friend..”

9 Reasons for a positive attitude to subjects you don’t like…
“Economics is not my favourite subject but I do get to practise some statistics. So, I enjoy that part at least.” “I’m weak in English. Liberal Studies is difficult but it gives me extra reading and writing practice, so it’s very good for me.”

10 Task 4 Work in small groups
Tell each other the subjects you don’t like studying Help each other to find reasons for more positive attitudes to studying those subjects Choose a group member to share example advice with the whole class

11 Other ways to motivate yourself?
Task 5 Work in small groups Brainstorm and list other ways to keep yourself motivated to study Choose another group member to write ideas on the board Compare your ideas with those on Handout 4

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