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Introduction to CSE Grad Programs

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1 Introduction to CSE Grad Programs
Prof. Gagan Agrawal Grad Studies Chair

2 Degree Programs Masters non-thesis / coursework
Masters thesis / research Ph.D

3 Admitted Groups Masters non-thesis / unspecified Research Masters
Direct Ph.D track

4 Type Conversions Masters non-thesis students can switch to thesis option by finding an advisor for masters thesis Masters students become Ph.D students if they take and pass Ph.D qualifying examination Research masters students cannot switch to non-thesis option petition to grad studies in truly exceptional circumstances Ph.D students cannot switch to masters program

5 The Graduate (Foundational) Core
5 classes form the graduate core 725 (Theory of Computation) 755 (Programming Languages) 760 (Advanced Operating Systems) 775 (Computer Architecture) 780 (Algorithms) 3 credits each, each offered twice a year 760 all three quarters, sections in Fall Corresponding undergrad core classes 625, 655, 660, 675, and 680 Prereqs – take if you don’t have the background

6 ``Core’’ Requirements
Masters program (thesis and non-thesis) Pass three of the five core classes 780 required, at least one of 760 and 775 required In the other two areas, should have equivalent class to pre-core, or pass the pre-core Masters non-thesis: Take comprehensive exam in three of the five areas 780 required, at least one of 760 and 775

7 Ph.D: Core/Qualifying Qualifying examination Acceleration Option
Offered twice a year, September and March 4 1.5 hr exams based upon the 4 out of core areas (780 required) A max of two attempts are allowed Direct Ph.D track students are normally expected to take it after the first year Must pass within your second year to be eligible for support later Acceleration Option Take 4/5core classes for credit within first three quarters (780 required) Have a 3.6 average in these classes Can count best 4 – but must include 780 Qualify for conditional pass – need to show research progress by second spring to remove the condition Recommend that everyone tries this Unless you have several core classes and can take quals in 2 quarters

8 Types of Classes (Ph.D students)
Core Classes Pre-core Classes – 625, 655, 660, 675, and 680 – can’t count for any of the requirements Other 600 / 700 / 800 level graded classes Includes 788 Graded A, A-, B+, … Research Credits 793, 888, 999 Graded S/U only CSE 885 1 credit, S/U, offered only in Fall and required for all grad students

9 Types of Classes (MS Students)
Primarily Undergrad Classes 616, 625, 630, 655, 660, 670, 675, 677, 680 Can count at most 3 for credit (Foundational) Core classes Applied Core Classes Other letter-graded CSE classes Research Credits (793, 888, 999) Classes from other related departments Limit of 9 credits Need advisor permissions (need to be closely related to CSE)

10 Applied Core Six classes currently listed
621 – High Performance Computing (Fall only) Internetworking (Winter only) Graphics (Fall, Winter) AI (Fall, Winter only) Compilers (Spring only) Databases (winter only (alternate?)) MS Thesis option students need to take at least 2 MS Non-thesis need at least 3

11 Course Requirements Masters non-thesis
45 credits of graded classes (or 39 and project option) Including foundational core and applied core classes Limit on number of primarily undergrad classes A total of 50 credits Masters thesis 30 credits of graded classes Limit on the number of primarily undergrad classes 885 is recommended 15 research credits are required A total of 45 credits

12 Masters Non-thesis Project Option
Allows non-thesis students to do a substantial implementation project 2 quarters, 6 credits of 793/888 Replaces 6 grades credits in 45 credit requirements Make individual arrangements with faculty whose work you are interested in

13 Other Requirements for Masters
Non-thesis option A comprehensive examination Offered twice a year (Sept. and March) hr exams over two days, based on choice of 3 among the 5 core classes 780 required, at least one of 760 and 775 required Thesis Option An oral examination of the thesis A committee with at least 2 faculty members, including your advisor

14 Ph.D Coursework Requirements
One major and two minors Major: 15 graded credits, not including core Minor: 9 credits in each, not including core A total of 3 credits across 2 minors could be non-graded: 793/888

15 Ph.D Program Requirements
Candidacy Examination Typically after 2.5 – 4 years in the program Involves a thesis proposal and written and oral examinations demonstrating knowledge of major area A clear research plan and substantial research progress required Final Oral Examination Final defense of the thesis

16 Research Progress Evaluation
Conducted every spring, for Ph.D students finishing two or more years in the program Requires clear research plan and established relationship with an advisor Expect research involvement and paper submissions after year 2, publications after year 3, … A satisfactory rating is key for future funding

17 Normal Support Policies
Initial support for 2 years Requires satisfactory GPA Requires good performance on TA/RA duties International students must pass the spoken English test to be eligible for year 2 support Third and Fourth Years Must have passed the Ph.D qualifying examination Satisfactory research progress, as judged by grad studies committee In most cases, as RA only

18 Normal Support Policies
Years 5 and 6 Must have passed Ph.D candidacy examination Satisfactory or better research progress In most cases, as RA only Limit on TA support 6 academic year quarters over the length of your stay Exception: 1 per advisor allowed as exception at anytime All of the above entering the department guaranteed support If you are entering w/o support, case-by-case after passing quals

19 Strategy for Finding Support
Find an advisor soon (within 1 year) who will `own’ you Support as RA, or Count you for their 1 per advisor limit Don’t plan on first exhausting your TA eligibility Try and have 1 year TA support for the end if RA funds run out

20 Other Requirements A GPA of 3.0 must be maintained at all times
A minimum of C for any class to count Repeat core class if grade below C

21 Requirements for Year 1- Ph.D
12 credits each quarter (Fall, Winter, Spring) 1st quarter TAs may take only 9 Fellows/RAs: 15 credits At least three credits of research (788/888/793/999) each quarter starting your second quarter 885 required for all students in Fall

22 Goals for First Year Ph.D students
Take core classes to be prepared for Ph.D qualifying examination or qualify for acceleration option Start establishing a research relationship with an advisor (take 788/888/793/999 credits) Advisor input a factor in Ph.D qualifying examination decisions Need research progress if you qualify for acceleration option Take classes for major area (preparation for research) Complete written/spoken English requirements

23 Goals for First Year Masters thesis students
Pass most of the core classes Don’t leave many graded classes for year 2 (have more time for research then) Identify a masters thesis advisor and area/topic Complete any written/oral English requirements

24 Some Other Tips Focus on excellence, rather than meeting minimum requirements Create good impression during any of your interactions Graded classes, research credits, TAship duties Show initiative, prove yourself to be reliable and capable

25 More Information Documents: People Your academic advisor
Grad studies committee Ms. Lynn – for graduate program matters Ms. Catrena – for payroll issues Ms. Kitty Reeves – for TAship/funding issues

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