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Take home exercise.

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1 Take home exercise

2 Objectives Agree on a timeline to submit an individual exercise
Take home exercise Objectives Agree on a timeline to submit an individual exercise

3 Take home exercise We tend to forget what we learn if not reviewed
Things get different once we are back home A full exercise looking at several surveys may take too long to do in the training

4 Take home exercise Take home exercise Review 3 MICS surveys from different years in Nigeria. Reports and full data sets are provided Prepare a brief document (maximum 5 pages) explaining Data quality checks implemented Main results and trends Decisions

5 Agree on a date to… Submit your report by….
Returned with comments by.. Do we have your ?

6 5 min Final task Individually write down write down 2 key messages from this workshop. You have 5 minutes ask participants to write down 2 key messages in 5 minutes. Then compile them and review the 10 key messages than you think are important (see next slide)

7 Key messages Future training on routine data quality
WHO and TEAM recommendations SMART vs DHS/MICS The focus was surveys but some of the tests can be applied to other types of data Statistical tests are important but we also need to look at the reports and the methodology emploed The importance of good quality data and the fact that in this training we work with already existing and collected data. We want to assess its quality but we cannot change it. A future training on routine data quality will be developed by NIPN in the future The Recommendations for improving the quality of anthropometric data collection, analysis and reporting from Working Group on Anthropometric Data Quality for the echnical Expert Advisory Group on Nutrition Monitoring (TEAM) is the latest available document. Share it. SMART was designed for small scale surveys in emergency situation to estimate to load of children to be admitted in nutrition centres. For that purpose it is very important to have very precise and accurate estimates. For DHS and MICS the focus is not so much on nutrition and the main purpose is to have a global picture of the situation every 3-5 years.

8 Key messages cont… Always use graphical and tabular representation
Is the survey representative of the population? No agreements and standards Other approaches still need more testing There is no good or bad quality but how is the quality for me to make a decision on a specific topic?

9 Take home exercise Additional readings Don´t forget to go through all the presentation and notes for additional examples As a complement to today discussion, read the Harvard study. The article is available on the materials for day 3

10 Ooops…. Not yet Before you leave
Take home exercise Ooops…. Not yet Before you leave Complete the post-training assessment (remember to use the same name you used on day 1) Complete the satisfaction survey Please be honest, these surveys are anonymous and they help us improve this training

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