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speed writing and speed dating…

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Presentation on theme: "speed writing and speed dating…"— Presentation transcript:

1 speed writing and speed dating…
This week we used ‘speed dating’ as a way of starting to discuss difficulties and opportunities with our research projects. By Dr. Debbie Holley

2 a) Speed writing/speed dating - helping BA Y2 trainee teachers understand research methods
b) Speed writing has an academic underpinning from Peter Elbows work, and was used extensively in the WriteNow CETL work

3 c) Format: One minute telling your partner about your project difficulties; bell rings, swop partner and repeat Line moves up...

4 After 5 rounds of 'swopping' of tales
After 5 rounds of 'swopping' of tales. students write main issues on postit, gets put on flipchart…

5 Return to seats - same process, but about the great things your project is about…

6 Then bell rings, 3 minutes to speed write the great things about your research project - and that is the draft introduction.

7 A fun way to get students to write…

8 Thank you and any questions?

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