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Deterministic Networking Application in Ring Topologies

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1 Deterministic Networking Application in Ring Topologies
draft-jiang-detnet-ring-01 Yuanlong Jiang Norman Finn Jeong-dong Ryoo Balazs Varga Liang Geng 102nd IETF – Montreal

2 Backgrounds Ring topologies have been popular and typically deployed in access/aggregation networks N31 N21 N22 N32 N13 N14 N23 N12 N15 N33 N24 N11 N41 N16 N42 N19 N17 N18 N43 N51 N52 N44 N64 N53 N56 N71 N63 N61 N54 N72 N55 N73 N62 N75 N74 102nd IETF – Montreal

3 Updates in Version 01 Aligned with the newest Detnet Architecture and Data plane (detnet-dp-sol-mpls) Using PRF & PEF functions Converged to a single solution Don’t care about internal locations of filtering & replication, they can be on input interface, output interface or centrally implemented 102nd IETF – Montreal

4 Multicast ring in Detnet
Root PRF P2MP Multicast Service LSP1 PW Seq# Termination LSP2 PW Seq# Leaf PRF & PEF Leaf Leaf 102nd IETF – Montreal

5 Interconnection of Rings
P2MP Multicast Service Root Leaf PRF Termination Leaf PEF & PRF Termination PEF & PRF Leaf Leaf Leaf 102nd IETF – Montreal

6 Summary & Next Step Multicast in a Detnet ring is highly resilient & efficient High resiliency of Detnet No matter how many leaf nodes, only 2 copies of packets are sent, one for CW, and one for CCW Keep aligned with ongoing Detnet WG work and fill any gaps The authors would like to request more WG feedbacks 102nd IETF – Montreal

7 Thank You 102nd IETF – Montreal

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