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DDBoii and the Missing Cookies!

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Presentation on theme: "DDBoii and the Missing Cookies!"— Presentation transcript:

1 DDBoii and the Missing Cookies!

2 It was the night before Christmas and DDBoii was making cookies for Santa. DDBoii was making his favorite type of sugar cookie.

3 Somebody called DDBoii and he went to go answer the phone
Somebody called DDBoii and he went to go answer the phone. When DD answered it he said “This is DDBoii speaking who’s this?” John said “Hey D its John what are you doing?” DD said “John I’m making cookies for Santa” John just laughed and said “D that’s boring! why don’t you just come over to my house for a little bit? ” DD said “Maybe later right now I’m gonna finish these cookies.”

4 DDBoii put the cookies in the oven and left them in there to bake
DDBoii put the cookies in the oven and left them in there to bake. DDBoii then went to go play some games.

5 DDBoii heard the beeping so he knew the cookies were done
DDBoii heard the beeping so he knew the cookies were done. He went in to the kitchen and fell because he was running in the house. Then DDBoii said to him self “DDBoii got to stop running in the house or DDBoii gonna get in trouble”

6 DDBoii got the cookies out of the stove and put them on the counter to let them cool.

7 DDBoii was very happy with him self because he got to make his favorite cookies for Santa.

8 DDBoii had to try one of his cookies just because they are his favorite cookie. DDBoii had one then he had another and said to him self “DDBoii makes a good cookie” “Maybe DDBoii should make some more and eat these cookies” So DDBoii did eat the cookies but he started to make more.

9 DDBoii made more cookies and he didn’t eat these cookies because these ones were for Santa.

10 DDBoii was going to bed so he left the cookies and some milk by the fire place. But when DDBoii came back down to see if he had put the cookies by the fire place. When DDBoii got there the cookies were missing.

11 DDBoii looked every where for the cookies
DDBoii looked every where for the cookies. Then his mom came down and said “DDBoii what are you looking for?” D said “I’m looking for my cookies the I made for Santa” DDBoii’s mom said “Oh sorry DDBoii I ate them because they looked so good.”

12 And thus DDBoii answered his story of the missing cookies.

13 The End By: Dalton Kelley

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