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The Effect of Office Administration Staffs Services Towards Student’s Satisfaction in Universitas Klabat Presented by rouna paoki Akademi sekretari manajemen.

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Presentation on theme: "The Effect of Office Administration Staffs Services Towards Student’s Satisfaction in Universitas Klabat Presented by rouna paoki Akademi sekretari manajemen."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Effect of Office Administration Staffs Services Towards Student’s Satisfaction in Universitas Klabat Presented by rouna paoki Akademi sekretari manajemen indonesia klabat (ASMI Klabat) 2017

2 September 20, 2019 Introduction Universitas Klabat is one of the institutions of private universities in North Sulawesi, Manado with the number of students in the first semester, academic year students (Moedjahedy, 2016). With the number of students, the management of education must be balanced with the provision of good service, following the academic rules that have been established as the basic in order to be implemented by all academic community namely administrative staff, lecturers, students and management of this institution. In order to balance the academic rules and the vision, there is a strong commitment from the students, lecturers, administrative and management staff to implement and evaluate their activities so that the goals can be achieved in accordance with the vision and mission of educational institutions. September 20, 2019 Template Power Point Universitas Klabat

3 Theory Based SERQUAL theory (cited in Suparman, 2012) stated that which says that the physical evidence from an educational institution service includes the office facility like buildings, rooms, environment, lecturer’s performance, administration staffs, communication tools like the providence of internet, interesting websites and another media in emergency moments, service like Facebook, or other physical or virtual media. It means that without putting attention to tangible aspects, the students already feel satisfied. September 20, 2019 Template Power Point Universitas Klabat

4 September 20, 2019 Research Questions The research questions of this study are: 1. To what extent is the quality of administrative office personnel services? 2. To what extent is the students’ satisfaction? 3. Is there a significant effect of service quality based on the tangible aspects of administrative office personnel on student satisfaction 4. Is there any significant effect of service quality based on the tangible aspects of administrative office personnel and student satisfaction? 5. Is there any significant effect on the quality of service based on the responsiveness aspects of the office administration personnel and student satisfaction? 6. Is there any significant effect on the quality of service based on the aspect of the assurance of the administrative personnel of the office and student satisfaction? 7. Is there any significant effect on the quality of service based on the empathy aspect of the administrative officers of the office and student satisfaction? September 20, 2019

5 dari (Anjaryani, 2009) dan (Tjiptono & Chandra, 2005)
September 20, 2019 dari (Anjaryani, 2009) dan (Tjiptono & Chandra, 2005) Methodology Respondents: The second year nursing students, the total is 85 students enrolled in first semester of 2016/2017 school year . By using sampling purposive technique. Instrument: A questionnaire based on SERQUAL theory adopted from Anjaryani (2009) and Tjiptono & Chandra (2005) September 20, 2019

6 Findings and Interpretation of Data
September 20, 2019 Findings and Interpretation of Data Research Question 1. To what extent is the quality of administrative office personnel services? Table 1. The Quality of Office Administr Personnel Services Descriptive Statistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Tangible 85 2.33 5.00 4.1647 .60776 Reliability 2.17 3.8373 .51433 Responsiveness 1.20 3.6118 .59790 Assurance 1.67 3.7627 .49023 Empathy 1.17 3.6275 .66401 Valid N (list wise) To explain the statement of the first issue to what extent the quality of office administration personnel services at Universitas Klabat will be explained in Table 1 using the formula of Mean. Table 1 shows that from 85 samples the highest Mean is on tangible aspect, it is , and the lowest Mean is on responsiveness aspect All of them is on high category. September 20, 2019

7 Findings and Interpretation of Data
September 20, 2019 Findings and Interpretation of Data Research Question # 2 To what extent is the students’ satisfaction? Table 2 Students’ Satisfaction Satisfaction Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Strongly Disagree 3 3.5 Disagree 10 11.8 15.3 Neutral 14 16.5 31.8 Agree 8 9.4 41.2 Strongly agree 50 58.8 100.0 Total 85 Table 4.2 explains that most of the samples are very satisfied (50 samples) and only 3 samples that are not satisfied. September 20, 2019

8 Findings and Interpretation of Data
September 20, 2019 Findings and Interpretation of Data Research Question # 3-7 Is there any effect of service quality based on tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy aspects of the administrative office personnel and student satisfaction? Table 3 The effect of Service Quality Based on Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy aspects towards Students’ Satisfaction. Is there a significant effect of service quality based on the tangible aspects of administrative office personnel and student satisfaction Is there any significant effect of service quality based on the reliability aspects of administrative office personnel and student satisfaction? Is there any significant effect on the quality of service based on the responsiveness aspects of the office administration personnel and student satisfaction? Is there any significant effect on the quality of service based on the aspect of the assurance of the administrative personnel of the office and student satisfaction? Is there any significant effect on the quality of service based on the empathy aspect of the administrative officers of the office and student satisfaction? To answer research question number 3 to 7 use the first to fifth hypothesis will be explained in table 4.3 using Simple Regression. September 20, 2019

9 Findings and Interpretation of Data
September 20, 2019 Findings and Interpretation of Data Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients T Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) .200 1.078 .186 .853 Tangibles -.187 .226 -.091 -.824 .413 Reliability .451 .395 1.142 .257 Responsiveness .088 .409 .042 .215 .830 Assurance -.242 .547 -.095 -.442 .659 Empathy .970 .427 .517 2.272 .026 a. Dependent Variable: satisfaction NO NEED TO READ 3-7 research question Is there a significant effect of service quality based on the tangible Is there any significant effect of service quality based on the reliability aspects of administrative office personnel and student satisfaction? Is there any significant effect on the quality of service based on the responsiveness aspects of the office administration personnel and student satisfaction? Is there any significant effect on the quality of service based on the aspect of the assurance of the administrative personnel of the office and student satisfaction? Is there any significant effect on the quality of service based on the empathy aspect of the administrative officers of the office and student satisfaction? To answer research question number 3 to 7 use the first to fifth hypothesis will be explained in table 4.3 using Simple Regression. Based on table 3, it explains that the effect of service quality based on tangible aspect towards students satisfaction with the significance > Which means H0 is acceptable. It means that there is no significant effect between service qualities based on tangible aspect towards students’ satisfaction. This finding is in contrast with SERQUAL theory in Suparman (2012) which says that the physical evidence from an educational institution service includes the office facility like buildings, rooms, environment, lecturer’s performance, administration staffs, communication tools like the providence of internet, interesting websites and another media in emergency moments, service like Facebook, or other physical or virtual media. It means that without putting attention to tangible aspects, the students already feel satisfied. Table 3 also shows the effect of service quality based on responsiveness aspect towards students’ satisfaction with significant >0.05, H0 accepted. So it means that there is no significant effects from the service quality based on responsiveness aspect towards student’s satisfaction. This finding is also in contrast with SERQUAL theory in Suparman (2012) about the ability of the lecturers and administration staffs in responding and serving the students in a good and proper way. The administration staffs provide good direction and convenience to the students, respond to their complaints and give them the way out, assist the students and help them in solving the problem wisely. Table 3 also shows the effect of service quality based on responsiveness aspect with the significant > H0 is acceptable. So, there is no significant effect from the service quality based on responsiveness aspect towards the students’ satisfaction. This finding is in contrast with SERQUAL theory in Suparman (2012) which says that knowledge, skills, and credibility of lecturers and administration staffs, and its practice in service to be trustworthy. The administration staff serves professionally, they are given training and development continually, trusted, and the students feel safe, secure, and convenience. To answer questions number 7 in the fifth hypothesis based on table 4.3, there is a significant effect between service quality based on empathy aspect of administration staffs and students’ satisfaction with the significant value <0.05, H0 is rejected. With the t value = 2.72, it means that there is a significant effect between office administration staff service quality of empathy aspect towards students satisfaction. In serving, the bigger the empathy the more satisfied is the students’ satisfaction. This finding is supported by Lego (2010) said that empathy factor very important in influencing customers’ satisfaction. September 20, 2019

10 Conclusion From 85 samples of this research, it is clear that:
September 20, 2019 Conclusion From 85 samples of this research, it is clear that: 1. The quality of office administration personnel with the highest Mean in tangible aspect is , and the lowest in responsiveness aspect, with Mean 2. From 85 samples of students’satisfaction, based on frequency there are 50 students are very satisfied and 3 are not satisfied. 3. There is no significant effect from the service quality based on tangible aspect towards students’ satisfaction with mean >.05 4. There is no significant effect of service quality based on reliability aspect towards students’ satisfaction with significant value >.05 5. There is no significant effect between the service quality based on responsiveness aspect towards students’ satisfaction with significant value >.05. 6. There is no significant effect between the service quality based on assurance aspect towards students’ satisfaction with significant value >.05. 7. There is a significant effect between service quality based on empathy aspect towards students satisfaction with significant value <.05 September 20, 2019

11 September 20, 2019 THANK YOU September 20, 2019

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