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Creating Your Schedule

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1 Creating Your Schedule
Preparing for 9th Grade Creating Your Schedule

2 Middle School vs. High School Schedules
Preparing for 9th Grade Middle School vs. High School Schedules Like Middle School, there are Nine periods. Different from Middle School in that most classes meet every day. Different from Middle School in that some courses are half year but still meet every day. High School Offers More Choices

3 Required/Core Academic Classes
Preparing for 9th Grade Required/Core Academic Classes English Social Studies Math Science World Language Three Levels Regents (R) Honors (H) Advanced Placement (AP)

4 Preparing for 9th Grade Required/Core Academic Courses All required/core academic courses taken by a student (and the level of the course) are based on teacher recommendations.

5 Preparing for 9th Grade Required/Non- Core Courses PE (each year)
Music/Art/Drama (1 credit) Health (1/2 credit – 10th grade)

6 Elective Courses Preparing for 9th Grade Chosen by student.
Selected based on student interests. Some electives require teacher approval such as: Science Research, Fine Art and Music Performance Groups. ** See curriculum guide for any prerequisites.

7 Preparing for 9th Grade Sample Schedule Period 1 Math Period 2 Social Studies Period 3 Music/Art/Drama Period 4 Lunch Period 5 English Period 6 Elective Period 7 Science Period 8 Science Lab/PE Period 9 World Language Completed High School Schedule will consist of 8 periods of Core, and Elective classes + Lunch

8 Preparing for 9th Grade Manhasset High School Course Catalog & Elective Selection Sheet

9 Preparing for 9th Grade Choosing Electives **Reminder**
Chosen by student. Selected based on student interests. Students are NOT Guaranteed that they will be scheduled for their chosen electives.

10 Sample Elective Form (Not all courses are included)
Student Name _______________________________ Current Grade___________ Counselor ___________________ Please select a combination of full year and/or half year elective courses that total 3 credits. Indicate your preferences by ranking each course. (Ex. Your top elective choice should be "1", your second choice "2", etc.) in the rank choice column. **Please check the prerequisites on all courses found in the course catalog. Elective Choices for Grade 8 into Grade 9 for Rank Choice COURSE TITLE COURSE NO. CREDIT Art ___________ Foundations in Art 65H /2 ___________ Studio Art 65F122 1 ___________ Architectural Drawing I 65H /2 ____________ Architectural Drawing II 65H /2 English ___________ Creative Writing 15H /2 ___________ Speech and Debate 15H /2 Music Recommendations for band, chorus, and orchestra are automatically input by a student's current music teacher If you wish to audition for band, chorus, or orchestra, and you are not currently enrolled, please indicate your choice here:

11 When Choosing Courses…..
It is strongly recommended that you complete your HS requirement of an Art/Music/Drama credit in 9th grade. If you are not currently in a music performance group, and would like to audition for one, please indicate your interest on the Course Selection sheet. All music classes; Band, Orchestra and Choir, have required rotations that are included in course grade.

12 Choosing Electives: Reminders
Preparing for 9th Grade Choosing Electives: Reminders Must choose 3 credits Rank your choices Students do not always get their first or second choices.

13 8th to 9th Grade Elective Sheet
This form MUST be completed and brought to the scheduling assembly on Tuesday, January 8th.

14 Let’s Review….. What is a prerequisite?
Preparing for 9th Grade Let’s Review….. What is a prerequisite?

15 Preparing for 9th Grade Scheduling Calendar January 3rd & 4th Meet with Counselors in Health Class to review scheduling procedures. January 5th, 6th & 7th Review Course Catalog and complete Elective Sheet January 8th- 8th Grade Assembly to submit elective choices.

16 Preparing for 9th Grade Scheduling Calendar January 28th through February 4th- Teachers make their core course recommendations. February to May - 8th Grade Meetings with counselor, student, and parents. Early March - Recommended and elective course list mailed home with override request and due date information .

17 Q and A

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