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Do Now: Go to and sign up as a student then join your appropriate class— Period 1: AMDK773 Period 2: NNBK693 Period 3: GEHXKP338 Period 4: RCPHJ774.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: Go to and sign up as a student then join your appropriate class— Period 1: AMDK773 Period 2: NNBK693 Period 3: GEHXKP338 Period 4: RCPHJ774."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: Go to and sign up as a student then join your appropriate class— Period 1: AMDK773 Period 2: NNBK693 Period 3: GEHXKP338 Period 4: RCPHJ774 Period 5: FHAJK736 Period 6: FEKKF687

2 Take a pic, if you wish: Didn’t like your quiz grade?
Here is a re-quiz opportunity—must be completed BEFORE you come to class on Wednesday. Link:

3 FYI: Unit 2 Test is on Wednesday
Review material is available on our Topics: Atomic Structure Periodic Table (Element types, What’s in a square, etc.) Periodic Trends (Atomic Radii, Electronegativity, etc.) Orbital Diagrams Electron Configuration Noble Gas Notation

4 Let’s play! In your class, you were assigned an activity—please complete it with the help of a friend if you don’t have your own electronic!

5 Today: Begin Review with a modified version of “Showdown” completed at your seat. All begin standing. I will ask a question and you will write the answer—if your answer is correct keep standing—if not take a seat. The last person standing wins 5 bonus points added to their test!

6 Question One: How many families are on the periodic table?

7 Question two: What is the center of the atom called?

8 Question Three: In the nucleus, there are ______ particles and their names are ________ and ___________ Fill in all three blanks!

9 Question Four: List the charges of all the particles in an atom:

10 Question Five: Draw an image of an atom and label the area that contains all the mass and that which contains all the volume.

11 Question Six: Draw arrows that represent the periodic trend that represents atomic radii

12 Question Seven: This arrangement of the periodic table is organized by ____________

13 Question Eight: Define the trend electronegativity

14 Question Nine: An element with a partially filled d sublevel must be a ________________

15 Question Ten: What is another name for the group 17 elements?

16 Question Eleven: The amount of energy required to remove the outermost electron from an element is known as: First ionization energy Activation energy Conductivity Electronegativity

17 Question Twelve: What element has the electron configuration 1s2, 2s2, 3s2?

18 Question Thirteen: What element has the electron configuration: 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 4s2, 3d3?

19 Question Fourteen: What element has the electron configuration: 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 4s2, 3d10, 4p6, 5s1?

20 Question Fifteen: Write the longhand electron configuration for: Argon (Ar)

21 Question Sixteen: Write the longhand electron configuration for: Scandium (Sc)

22 Question Seventeen: Write the noble gas notation for: Krypton (Kr)

23 Question Eighteen: Write the noble gas notation for: Yttrium (Y)

24 Question Nineteen: Draw the orbital diagram for Boron:

25 Question Twenty: List the three rules that govern how one draws orbital diagrams!

26 Do Now: Open your Quia account and take the Atomic Structure Quiz assigned to your class. This score counts for 50% of your classwork grade today.

27 FYI: Unit 2 Test is on Tomorrow
Review material is available on our Topics: Atomic Structure Periodic Table (Element types, What’s in a square, etc.) Periodic Trends (Atomic Radii, Electronegativity, etc.) Orbital Diagrams Electron Configuration Noble Gas Notation

28 Today: Review Periodic Trends Quickly
Analyze Review Questions and determine their correct answer

29 Periodic Trends The physical and chemical properties of the elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers.

30 Atomic Radius Distance between the nucleus and outermost electron in the electron cloud.

31 Atomic radius Radius DECREASES as you go left to right across a period; INCREASES as you go right to left. What happens as you move down a family?

32 Going across the period
Electrostatic attraction increases. Electrons are pulled closer to the nucleus. Valence electrons are more tightly held.

33 Going down a group Orbitals are larger.
Electrons are farther from the nucleus. Valence electrons are less tightly bound.

34 Ionic Radii Closely linked to atomic radii
Neutral atoms increase in size going down a family, BUT ionic radii increase/decrease occurs due to loss or gain of electrons.


36 Ionization Energy Amount of energy required to remove an electron from the ground state of a gaseous atom or ion. First ionization energy is that energy required to remove the first electron. Second ionization energy is that energy required to remove the second electron, etc.

37 Ionization Energy It requires more energy to remove each successive electron. When all valence electrons have been removed, the ionization energy takes a quantum leap.

38 Trends in First Ionization Energies
As one goes down a column, less energy is required to remove the first electron.

39 Trends in First Ionization Energies
Generally, as one goes across a row, it gets harder to remove an electron.

40 Electronegativity The tendency of an atom to attract electrons to itself when combined with another element. It increases going left to right across a period. It decreases going down a group.

41 Electronegativity

42 Electron Affinity The energy change that occurs when an element gains an electron Trend increases like electronegativity

43 Quick Test Review: Go to a lab table in the back—equally divide yourselves among the tables. Send one person to get each person a dry erase marker from the front. Answer the questions in front of you to the best of your ability AND explain how you know OR why you don’t. Then we will trade tables where you will confirm/correct your classmates’ work. Attempt to expand upon their answer if possible or help to correct misunderstandings. Switch tables again until you have visited all six. When music stops, you switch!


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