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Community Pharmacy: your local healthcare team

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1 Community Pharmacy: your local healthcare team

2 Contents What are we? What community pharmacies do
What pharmacies could do Government plans for community pharmacy Risks to local health services

3 The Local Pharmaceutical Committee
Body recognised in Statute Add link to LPC website Represent views of community pharmacy contractors (owners) to NHS, and supports contractors Works with the NHS to coordinate local service provision Elected by local pharmacy owners

4 Community Pharmacy: Key Statistics
Over 11,700 pharmacies in England situated in high-street locations, supermarkets and residential neighbourhoods Independents (1-5 pharmacies) 38% Multiples (6+ pharmacies) 62% XXX in LPC Area

5 Community Pharmacy Facts
89.2% of the population can reach their local community pharmacy within a 20 minute walk. Pharmacies in England dispensed nearly one billion prescription items in 2014/15. An estimated 1.6 million visits to community pharmacies take place daily.

6 Community Pharmacy Facts
Over 90% of pharmacies now have a private consultation room. Community pharmacies are accessed by people who may not access other NHS services, helping to reduce health inequalities. It takes five years to qualify as a pharmacist, including a four-year master’s degree with training on the safe use of medicines.

7 Community Pharmacy and the NHS
NHS income for a typical community pharmacy accounts for 85-95% of their total turnover. Pharmacy owners are ‘contracted’ by the NHS to provide a range of services, including the dispensing of medicines. Pharmacies also provide services that are commissioned locally by Clinical Commissioning Groups and Local Authorities.

8 Community Pharmacy and the NHS
Community pharmacies contributed a net value of £3bn to the NHS, public sector, patients and wider society in England in 2015 through just 12 services. This included:

9 Core Pharmacy Services
Dispensing Repeat Dispensing Support for self-care Signposting patients to other healthcare professionals Healthy Lifestyles service (Public health) Waste medication disposal Clinical governance

10 Advanced Services Medicines Use Review (MUR) and Prescription Intervention Service Appliance Use Review Stoma Appliance Customisation New Medicine Service (NMS) NHS Urgent Medicine Supply Advanced Service (NUMSAS) Flu Vaccination Service

11 Locally Commissioned Service Options
Minor ailments services Emergency Hormonal Contraception Care home service Stop smoking advice Needle & syringe exchange Monitored dosage systems

12 Locally Commissioned Service Options
NHS Health Check Supervised consumption Contraception Chlamydia screening & treatment Other sexual health screening Palliative care

13 Locally Commissioned Service Options
Vaccination Alcohol screening and brief interventions Weight management Falls reduction Independent and Supplementary prescribing

14 Pharmacy Services in xxxx
Insert information/data on locally commissioned services

15 Pharmacy’s Potential Community pharmacy provides the most accessible healthcare in local communities – especially in under-doctored areas. Successive Governments have called for community pharmacy to provide more health services in the community and relieve the pressure on GPs and A&E. Community pharmacy has a vision of the services it would like to provide.

16 Community Pharmacy Forward View
Community pharmacy has developed its own Forward View setting out how it can develop, and it is looking to collaborate with all healthcare commissioners to develop services in three core areas: Supporting people to manage their long-term conditions Offering a first port of call for healthcare advice and treatment Becoming neighbourhood health and wellbeing hubs

17 Community Pharmacy Forward View
Supporting people to manage their long-term conditions Accessible care close to homes, with pharmacy teams coordinating Safe hospital transfer and information is shared with all community care providers A focus on patient-centred care and cost effective medicines use improves health outcomes Community pharmacists can prescribe certain medicines for immediate supply, freeing up GP time

18 Community Pharmacy Forward View
Offering a first port of call for healthcare advice and treatment The public visit ‘pharmacy first’, reducing pressure elsewhere in the NHS Local urgent care pathways include pharmacy, so all care is coordinated Patients’ shared care record can be viewed by pharmacy teams, helping to improve safety Local pharmacies offer diagnostics, point-of-care testing and prescribing

19 Community Pharmacy Forward View
Becoming the neighbourhood health and wellbeing hub The public ask their local pharmacy teams for support and advice on staying well Local health services are developed by commissioners working with community leaders to understand local needs Extensive heath coaching and support is available from community pharmacy teams

20 Community Pharmacy Forward View
New approach to funding needed. Care pathways should include community pharmacy, closely integrated with other services. Developments such as patient registration with pharmacies and fees linked to health outcomes should be considered.

21 Community Pharmacy Forward View
Find out more: Visit to find out how we plan to implement this vision. Share and discuss: Please highlight the Forward View to your MP and share it on social media. Get in touch: Let us know what you think by filling out the feedback form on the website.

22 Some Other Ideas

23 Potential for Pharmacy in xxx
LPC to insert proposed local service developments, e.g.: Medicines optimisation services to support people discharged from hospital Minor ailments service

24 The Government and Community Pharmacy
In December 2015 the Government consulted on plans to significantly reduce community pharmacy funding. Pharmacies would also need to develop their online and clinical services. At the time the Minister predicted that some pharmacies could close.

25 The Campaign for Pharmacy
More than two million people signed a petition to save community pharmacies. MPs from all parties supported pharmacies in a number of debates in Parliament. National newspapers covered the story and came out in support of pharmacy. Patient groups, including HealthWatch, were supportive of pharmacy.

26 Community Pharmacy in 2017 The Government has imposed a £113m reduction in community pharmacy funding for 2016/17 as compared to 2015/16. A further funding cut will be made in 2017/18.

27 The Impact of the Funding Cut
Community pharmacies may have to take steps to reduce costs such as: reducing opening hours reducing staffing levels reducing provision of some services for which they are not paid, e.g. home delivery of medicines and provision of compliance aids

28 The Impact of the Funding Cut
Community pharmacies are working hard to maintain service levels. But we are concerned about the impact that this funding cut could have on patients and the wider healthcare system.

29 Questions & Discussion
More information on community pharmacy services at LPC website/

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