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Presentation on theme: "NORTH EAST ATLANTIC GIG"— Presentation transcript:

Milestone 6 Report, ECOSTAT, Stresa, Italy, 3-4 July 2006 Dave Jowett - GIG Co-ordinator

2 Types, participants and QEs

3 Types, participants and QEs
Types NEA1/26, NEA3/4, NEA7, NEA 8/9/10 QEs benthic inverts, phytoplankton, macroalgae and angiosperms Type NEA11 as above + Fish Pressures: Organic enrichment, nutrient enrichment, morphological alteration and hazardous substances

4 Intercalibration Options
Benthic Invertebrates Option 3, comparison of MS systems Phytoplankton Option 2 - selected metrics, chlorophyll, cell counts, cell counts (indicator taxa) Macroalgae and Angiosperms Hybrid options 2/3 (indicator metrics in some types + MS system comparison in others) Fish Option 3, comparison of MS systems (may move to option 1 in 2007)

5 Data Benthic Invertebrates
MS datasets collated for testing by UK and DK Phytoplankton Data from common metrics collated by UK Macroalgae and Angiosperms Data collated by UK, NL and SE for agreed metrics in relevant types Fish GIG dataset collated by BE For details see Annex D in Milestone 6 report

6 National classification methods e.g. Benthic Invertebrates
See Annexes A and C for details

7 Setting of Reference conditions
No common criteria for setting reference values across all types for each Quality Element Data used from unimpacted (reference) sites for some types/QEs e.g. macroalgae/angiosperms in types NEA8/9/10 Utilisation of existing reference criteria e.g. OSPAR chlorophyll/nutrient offshore reference values Historic records e.g. fish datasets Data taken specifically for the intercalibration exercise e.g. pressure gradient sampling See main text, Annexes B and C for details

8 Setting of Boundaries e.g. Benthic Invertebrates

9 Setting of Boundaries e.g. Benthic Invertebrates

10 National boundaries e.g. Benthic Invertebrates
NEA1/26 and 7 NEA8/9/10

11 Example of Regional boundaries within a type - chlorophyll

12 Workplan 2006/7 Benthic Invertebrates
Example of a partially completed exercise - expect full completion in 2007

13 Workplan 2006/7 Phytoplankton - Chlorophyll metric NEA1/26
Example of an option that will be finalised by September 2006

14 Workplan 2006/7 Angiosperms - Saltmarsh NEA11
Example where output is not possible for finalise 2007 Please see Annex E for the full list!

15 Summary of outputs 2006/7 Fully complete by September 2006
Partially complete September full completion 2007 No result completion expected in 2007

16 Issues MSs are still working on classification schemes
Partial output only in is that OK? Much better picture if allowed to continue into 2007 BUT……… Lets celebrate the successes NOW! Benthic Inverts intercalibration principle established Phytoplankton metrics completed! Partial intercalibration for macroalgae, angiosperms and fish and by mid 2007 we will have many more results!



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