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Presentation on theme: "VICTORIA CITY COUNCIL MEETING"— Presentation transcript:

March 25th – 6:30 PM

2 6A – Bethesda Rezoning Recommended Motion – Motion to continue the public hearing on the variance, preliminary & final plat and rezoning

3 7A– Committee Appointments
Lakes and Water Quality Advisory Committee Appointment Motion to appoint (insert two names) to the Lakes and Water Quality Advisory Committee to serve a three-year term starting 4/1/19.

4 Planning Commission Appointment
Motion to appoint (insert three names) to the Planning Commission to serve a three-year term starting 4/1/19. Appoint one person (insert name here) to the Planning Commission to serve a one-year term starting 4/1/19. Appoint one person (insert name here) to the Planning Commission to serve as a second alternate position starting 4/1/19 with no term expiration.

5 City of Victoria City of Lakes & Parks

6 Item 7B – Vacant Lots Update
6735 Smithtown Road 6370 Maple Drive 8420 CR 11 (Victoria Drive) Northwest corner of 81st Street and Trillium

7 Item 7B – 6735 Smithtown Rd.

8 Item 7B – 6730 Maple Drive

9 Item 7B – 8420 CR 11 (Victoria Dr.)

10 Item 7B – Northwest Corner of 81st St & Trillium

11 Item 7B – Vacant Lots Update
If Council directs staff to move forward with studying the sale of the four lots, staff recommends the following process: Staff solicits quotes from professionals who will work with staff to study costs and benefits. Staff brings back list of qualified professionals for Council to approve contract with one. Staff brings back cost and benefits study for Council review. If Council approves, staff discusses the sale of each lot with the proximate neighbors through four different open house meetings. Staff reports neighborhood feedback to Council. City Council would direct staff and realtor to list any of the three lots for sale. After holding the open house on 6735 Smithtown Road, staff would ask the Park & Recreation Commission for their recommendation on selling the lot. Staff would report back to the City Council on the public feedback from the open house meeting and the Park & Recreation Commission’s recommendation for selling 6735 Smithtown Road. City Council would direct staff and realtor to list the Smithtown Road property or to keep the lot as open space.

12 Item 7B – Vacant Lots Update
Recommended Motion: Authorize staff to solicit quotes from qualified professionals to work with staff to research the possible sale of four City-owned parcels located at 6735 Smithtown Road, 6370 Maple Drive, 8420 CR 11 (Victoria Drive), and the Northwest corner of 81st Street and Trillium and direct staff to bring back options to Council on marketing the sale of these parcels

13 City of Victoria City of Lakes & Parks

14 Item 7C – Victoria City Center Subordination

15 City of Victoria City of Lakes & Parks

16 Item 8A– ADA Draft Transition Plan
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) enacted in 1990 Title II – Pertains to programs, activities and services by public entities. City is required to adopt an ADA Transition Plan - Including Self-evaluation of facilities within the ROW Schedule/Budget Contact Information ADA Design Standards Grievance Procedure Public Outreach

17 ADA Draft Transition Plan

18 ADA Draft Transition Plan

19 ADA Draft Transition Plan
Recommended Motion: Motion to open a 30-day public comment period to allow for public input on the City of Victoria’s Draft ADA Transition Plan.

20 City of Victoria City of Lakes & Parks

21 Item 8B – Marsh Lake Road Project Update
Additional Information provided to Council and property owners Traffic Forecast memo from Carver County Revised Typical Section – for areas between major intersections Revised Layout – for areas between major intersections Project Costs and Funding Alternative Options

22 Item 8B – Marsh Lake Road Project Update
March 28, 2019 – informal neighborhood meeting from 5:30 to 6:30 pm April 8, 2019 – Regular Council Meeting Review History Review Current Status Consider options for moving forward Approve the Typical Section for Marsh Lake Road in accordance with County Recommendations. Direct staff to pursue an alternate project that would not include County funding.

23 City of Victoria City of Lakes & Parks

24 Item 8C – Steep Slopes Shoreland Ordinance – protects bluffs (18%) and steep slopes (12%) 1000 feet from any lake. Steep wooded slopes (over 18%) with high tree density shall be preserved in their natural state. Agricultural Land Grades – Grade 4 – Soils have moderate limitations and moderate slopes (4-10%) Grade 5 – Soils are not suitable for continuous cultivation with moderate to steep slopes (8-20%) Grade 6 – Soils are generally unsuited for cultivation and are limited largely to pasture and sparse woodland with moderate to steep slopes (8-20%).

25 Item 8C – Steep Slopes Chaska, Lake City, Minnetonka, and Bloomington all have steep slope ordinances. Chaska has had this provision for over 20 years protecting its character-defining natural features. HKGi’s study shows steep wooded slopes make up 5.4% of the developable land in the west and south growth areas. Bob Vose, City Attorney, memo – City is in a strong position to defend any “taking” claims.

26 Item 8C – Steep Slopes

27 Item 8C – Steep Slopes

28 Item 8C – Steep Slopes

29 Item 8C – Steep Slopes

30 Recommended Motions: Item 8C – Steep Slopes
Motion to adopt Ordinance No. 427 amending Chapters 105 and 109 of the Victoria City Code regarding Steep Wooded Slopes; Motion to approve Resolution 2019-XX, A Resolution authorizing Summary Publication of Ordinance 427, by Title and Summary.

31 City of Victoria City of Lakes & Parks

32 Item 8D – Downtown West

33 Item 8D – Downtown West Recommended Motion: Motion to approve a two week extension to the Preliminary Development Agreement for Downtown West until April 9, 2019

34 City of Victoria City of Lakes & Parks


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