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China’s role in global climate regime

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Presentation on theme: "China’s role in global climate regime"— Presentation transcript:

1 China’s role in global climate regime
From the victim of ‘ecological imperialism’ to the ‘torchbearer’? Yunhan ZHANG PHD Candidate Ghent University

2 Content PART I China’s role projection
PART II European media’s Reception PART III Conclusion

3 PART I China’s role projection
China’s climate ‘discourse coalition’ National leaders’ speeches Negotiators’ statements The expert opinion The official media Triangulated by 21 semi-structured interviews

4 Three phases of China’s climate strategic narratives
Phase I: from Copenhagen to Durban Phase II: from Durban to Paris Phase III: the post-Paris regime

5 Phase I: from Copenhagen to Durban
system narrative: developed V.S. developing countries Assign the blame to developed countries - Historical emission responsibility - The failure of the current climate negotiations

6 Phase I: from Copenhagen to Durban
National narrative: China as the victim of ‘ecological imperialism’ National interest: emission right = developing right Citizen’s life quality human right to enjoy the modern life

7 Phase II: from Durban to Paris
System narrative: ‘a community of shared future of mankind’ (人类命运共同体) ‘All parties, no matter how big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, would all shoulder the responsibility for the win-win outcome of international climate governance.’ ---Xi Jinping 2015, Paris conference

8 Phase II: from Durban to Paris
National narrative: ‘correct viewpoint on justice and interest’ (正确义利观) ‘while pursuing one’s own interests, it is important to take into account those of others, which at times might mean giving up one’s own gains for the sake of justice and fairness.’ ---The People ’s Daily

9 Phase II: from Durban to Paris
National narrative: ‘correct viewpoint on justice and interest’ (正确义利观) Two pillars: - The Solid domestic climate policy - The south-south climate cooperation

10 Solid domestic policy To reach the peak of carbon emissions by or sooner To obtain 20% of China’s primary energy from non-fossil energy by 2030 The carbon and energy intensity targets in China’s 12th Five Year Plan ( ); The carbon emissions trading system

11 The south-south climate cooperation
2011 Xie Zhenhua: mainstreamed in China’s climate strategic narrative 2012 Wen Jiabao: China donates 200 million RMB to help AOSIS countries, LDCs and African countries; 2014 Zhang Gaoli: China initiated the south-south Cooperation Fund on climate change 2015 Xi Jinping: progames

12 Phase III: the Post-Paris era
System narrative: defend the Paris Agreement and UNFCC ‘The Paris Agreement is a milestone in the history of climate governance. We must ensure this endeavor is not derailed. All parties should work together to implement the Paris Agreement.’ ---Xi Jinping 2017, Davos

13 Phase III: the Post-Paris era
National narrative: the ‘torchbearer’ in climate regime ‘Taking a driving seat in international cooperation to respond to climate change. China has become an important participant, contributor, and torchbearer in the global endeavor for ecological civilization.’ ---Xi Jinping, the 19th National Congress of CCP

14 PART II European media’s Reception
Aim: Look at China’s climate role in the European media Four role frames Leader bridge-builder bloc member braker Four motivations Ideological Political Economic Environmental

15 PART II European media’s Reception
Three European media Euractiv POLITICO The EUobserver Time range Two rounds of screening 222 cases (100 from Euractiv, 41 from EUobserver, and 81 from Politico)

16 PART II European media’s Reception
The index of the four role frames

17 PART II European media’s Reception
Leader Environmental Bridge-builder Political Bloc member Ideological Economic The correspondence between role and motivational frames

18 PART II European media’s Reception
China’s projection System level: from the dual division to the a community of shared future of mankind National level: from victim of ecological imperialism to the torchbearer European media’s reception From bloc member to a leader

19 PART III Conclusion Domestic challenge: Mainstream climate policy into other core national interests Energy security Environmental protection Economic and industrial transformation and upgrading

20 PART III Conclusion International challenges
Kindleberger trap v.s. Thucydides trap When China’s rise meets the west abdication?

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