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Presentation on theme: "THE CONSEQUENCES OF BELIEF"— Presentation transcript:


Video 1

3 WORLDVIEW A view of the world; the framework used to interpret the world which determines your beliefs, values, and actions

4 Four Apologetic Questions
1. Is that the whole story? How the Christian worldview provides the foundation for discovering truth. 2. What do you mean by that? How to have an intelligent conversation about evolution.

5 Four Apologetic Questions
3. What evidence supports your view? How Darwinian evolution fails to account for the evidence. 4. What happens if you’re right? How the Christian worldview provides humans with dignity and meaning.

6 I. Man in _____ image (Genesis 1:26-27; 2:7) God’s Video 2

7 I. Man in _____ image God’s a. What does it mean?
(Genesis 1:26-27; 2:7) God’s a. What does it mean? 1. We were made to be in _________ with God and others. relationship

8 I. Man in _____ image God’s a. What does it mean?
(Genesis 1:26-27; 2:7) God’s a. What does it mean? 2. We can think, ______, and be creative. reason

9 I. Man in _____ image God’s a. What does it mean?
(Genesis 1:26-27; 2:7) God’s a. What does it mean? 3. We are given a ___________ over all creation. responsibility

10 IMAGE OF GOD All people made like God by way of relationship, reason, and responsibility

11 I. Man in _____ image God’s a. What does it mean? b. What follows?
(Genesis 1:26-27; 2:7) God’s a. What does it mean? b. What follows? 1. What is true?

12 Darwinian Evolution Worldview
Christian Worldview Darwinian Evolution Worldview Created in God’s image/Purposeful universe Beliefs Values Behavior

13 I. Man in _____ image God’s a. What does it mean? b. What follows?
(Genesis 1:26-27; 2:7) God’s a. What does it mean? b. What follows? 2. What is valuable or important?

14 Darwinian Evolution Worldview
Christian Worldview Darwinian Evolution Worldview Created in God’s image/Purposeful universe Beliefs Dignity of all people God’s glory Values Behavior

15 I. Man in _____ image God’s a. What does it mean? b. What follows?
(Genesis 1:26-27; 2:7) God’s a. What does it mean? b. What follows? 3. How then should you behave?

16 Darwinian Evolution Worldview
Christian Worldview Darwinian Evolution Worldview Created in God’s image/Purposeful universe Beliefs Dignity of all people God’s glory Values Love and serve others Behavior

17 II. ___ in man’s image God a. What is true?

18 Darwinian Evolution Worldview
Christian Worldview Darwinian Evolution Worldview Created in God’s image/Purposeful universe Chance/ Meaningless universe Beliefs Dignity of all people God’s glory Values Love and serve others Behavior

19 II. ___ in man’s image God a. What is true?
b. What is valuable or important?

20 Darwinian Evolution Worldview
Christian Worldview Darwinian Evolution Worldview Created in God’s image/Purposeful universe Chance/ Meaningless universe Beliefs Dignity of all people God’s glory Survival/Personal fulfillment Values Love and serve others Behavior

21 II. ___ in man’s image God a. What is true?
b. What is valuable or important? c. How then should you behave?

22 Darwinian Evolution Worldview
Christian Worldview Darwinian Evolution Worldview Created in God’s image/Purposeful universe Chance/ Meaningless universe Beliefs Dignity of all people God’s glory Survival/Personal fulfillment Values Love and serve others Exploit others/Act in your best interest Behavior

23 III. _______ from the Christian worldview

24 Darwinian Evolution Worldview
Christian Worldview Darwinian Evolution Worldview Created in God’s image/Purposeful universe Chance/ Meaningless universe Beliefs Dignity of all people God’s glory Survival/Personal fulfillment Values Love and serve others Exploit others/Act in your best interest Behavior






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