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Presentation on theme: "PUBLIC HEARINGS ON THE COPYRIGHT AMENDMENT BILL"— Presentation transcript:

4 AUGUST 2017 AND NOW IS THE TIME! THE KEY IS IN YOUR HANDS! The gift of empowering blind, visually impaired and otherwise print disabled persons in South Africa By Mr Jace Nair


3 AND NOW IS THE TIME! THE KEY IS IN YOUR HANDS! The gift of empowering blind, visually impaired and otherwise print disable persons in South Africa

4 SA Right To Read Coalition
Established 2009 Blind SA – Established in 1946 – 30 Member Organisations SA National Council for the Blind (SANCB) – Established in Organisations SADA SOUTH AFRICAN DISABILITY ALLIANCE SA Disability Alliance (SADA) – Established in 2007 – 19 National DPO’s, service Organisations, Parents Organisations and Professional Associations

5 African Union of the Blind (AFUB) – Established by OAU 1987 – 54 Countries
World Blind Union (WBU) – Established in Countries

6 The Book Famine People had access to printed books for centuries Blind people - access to books in an accessible format was limited

7 The Book Famine – continue
Inaccessible formats

8 The Book Famine – continue
Inaccessible formats

9 The Book Famine – continue
WBU 5% Developed Countries WBU 1% Developing Countries SA 0.5% - English, limited Afrikaans and very few African languages Produced by NGOs Available accessible books

10 Challenges in producing accessible publications by NGOs
Delay with licence No electronic files Data typing – data typist, proof readers (includes up to 5 persons) Additional time – approximately 26 days (without electronic file) and 10 days (with electronic files) High costs – R (without electronic file) and R (with electronic file) Developmental funds used

11 Statistics: Blind and visually impaired
Stats SA 2011 Census: Prevalence blind and partially sighted persons - 11% of National Population Prevalence blind and partially sighted persons - 32% within persons with disability Prevalence blind and partially sighted persons - Rural areas 80% Prevalence blind and partially sighted persons - Unemployed 97% Prevalence blind and partially sighted persons - World wide 288 Million

12 Impact on the community:
Low levels of literacy and access to quality education High levels of unemployment and poverty Blind readers’ access to local, national and international libraries

13 Treaty came into force on 30 September 2016
Miracle of Marrakesh Africa Group Negotiations at WIPO since 2009 until the adoption of the Marrakesh Treaty on 27 June 2013 in Marrakesh, Morocco. Treaty came into force on 30 September 2016 Currently there are 30 countries that have ratified and there are 6 countries in Africa

14 The spirit of Marrakesh is captured by:
The inclusion of blind, visually impaired and otherwise print disable persons as beneficiary and users identified as an important key stakeholder The separation of exceptions and limitations for the blind, visually impaired and otherwise print disable persons The acknowledgement and cooperation of publishers and rights holders to facilitate the access of published works in an accessible format Adoption of the Marrakesh Treaty

15 Provisions of the Marrakesh Treaty
The important provisions of the Marrakesh Treaty includes:- Defining the beneficiary group to include blind, visually impaired and print disable persons Accessible formats to mean braille, audio, large print, daisy and e- copy formats that can be used by the beneficiaries The published works being available in an accessible format at the same time as the original printed works Publishers and right holders encouraged to produce their published works in an accessible format for use by beneficiaries

16 Provisions of the Marrakesh Treaty – continue
Copyright exceptions and limitations available to non profit organisations that reproduce these published works in an accessible formats for beneficiaries The circumvention of Technical Protective Measures to allow for accessibility of the published works to beneficiaries The cross border exchange-importation and exportation of published works which is in an accessible format

17 Realisation of the NDP Lead to the accelerated realisation of nine of the NDP outcomes and create a better life for all South Africans including blind, visually impaired and otherwise print disable persons. NDP Outcome 1: Improved quality of basic education NDP Outcome 4: Decent employment through inclusive economic growth NDP Outcome 5: A skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path NDP Outcome 6: An efficient, competitive and responsive economic infrastructure network

18 Realisation of the NDP – continue
NDP Outcome 7: Vibrant, equitable and sustainable rural communities with food security for all NDP Outcome 8: Sustainable human settlement and improved quality of household life NDP Outcome 11: Create a better South Africa and contribute to a better and safer Africa and the World NDP Outcome 13: Social Protection NDP Outcome 14: Nation building and social cohesion

19 What South Africa must do
UN Convention on the rights of persons with disability (CRPD) 2007 – Article 4, 30, 32, and 33. Enact Copyright Bill Ratify Marrakesh Treaty Harmonise legislation Set up the Authorised Entities Prepare the systems, content development, production guidelines Eliminate Book Famine Increase access to knowledge and information Contestation by certain stakeholders on sections other than 19D DTI to delink ratification of the Marrakesh Treaty with enactment of the Copyright Bill

20 THE KEY IS IN YOUR HANDS - The gift of empowering blind, visually impaired and otherwise print disabled persons in South Africa!


22 Thanking you! Jace Nair CEO: Blind SA
Chairperson: SANCB Copyright and Marrakesh Committee Chairperson: Africa Marrakesh Treaty Committee Acknowledgements: Photo’s and pictures from Google, Pioneer Printers, Blind SA and WIPO

23 Braille Services a division of Blind SA is a producer of assessable books in the following formats:
Daisy Audio Contact details: Mr Jace Nair – CEO – Mr Philip Jordaan – Manager Braille Services – Tel: 011 


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