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Do It Yourself Kit: Written Activity

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1 Do It Yourself Kit: Written Activity
Speech Communication Do It Yourself Kit: Written Activity

2 Word Bank analyze categories extemporaneous gesture impromptu
periodicals research stilted source

3 Brain Teasers What are the four methods of speaking?
What is the preferred method and why? What are the three general purposes of speech? What is the order of the six steps in building a speech? What is the purpose of a speech to inform? to persuade? to entertain?

4 Four Methods of Speaking
Extemporaneous Carefully plan, outline, and rehearse your speech but never memorize the wording Memorize three things only: first line, last line, order of main ideas Impromptu Spur-of-the-moment Memorized Learned verbatim Manuscript Reading Used on television, radio or for extremely formal occasions when exact wording and timing are essential

5 Six Steps in the Do-It-Yourself Speech-building Kit
Determine the general purpose or general reaction you want from your audience To inform (to make your audience understand) To persuade (to influence audiences’ beliefs) To entertain (to amuse the audience) Analyze your audience and occasion Consider age, sex, interests, and attitudes of your audience Select and narrow your subject Gather material Use 3 x 5 note cards to write information down (like research paper) Top of card: label the material (for example, history, advantages, or types) Bottom of card: record source Outline the Speech Practice aloud

6 Assignment Purpose: Give you practice in narrowing a speech subject
Select three general areas for each one, write three properly limited subjects for a 3 to 4 minute speech From list below, choose three subjects. Fill out activity sheet. Computers Television Customs Basketball Government Journalism Fashions Fish Airplanes Safety Transportation Earthquakes Pollution Book Superstitions Video games music Precious stones Vacations Disasters Politics

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