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The Fizzy Lab!.

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Presentation on theme: "The Fizzy Lab!."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Fizzy Lab!

2 Our Purpose: IB MYP Objectives Learn about Criterions B and C
Science Content Students will learn how to plan a lab experiment and practice data collection, analysis and interpretation. Students will review chemical reactions and evidence of their occurrences.

3 ATL Skills – while in your lab groups, you will learn these collaboration skills:
Delegate and share responsibility for decision making Give and receive meaningful feedback (during lab and in peer review) Encourage others to contribute (all ideas are worthy of consideration)

4 Demonstration Time – make observations!

5 Pages you need right now:
Criterion B Planning Criterion B worksheet

6 Let’s start with INQUIRYING about the lab.
1 Criterion B Let’s start with INQUIRYING about the lab.

7 Look at the Sentence starter page.
Get out a highlighter if you have one

8 Now for the worksheet!

9 Criterion B wksht: Before you investigate, you need to know a little about what you have observed (the demo) Research – where to go for resources

10 You will have some time to research/answer the questions:
Go to resources (teacher website) and answer the questions on your page. Answer the questions. You have limited time for this task! Use timer to keep research at about 20 min.

11 What is the problem?? Describe the problem briefly: I want to investigate or test…_______________ Remember, this is a guided lab – so you have the choice to somehow change the temperature of the water OR to change the tablet size.

12 What to do now: Once into your groups, you will have the rest of class time to complete the remaining steps. You must complete the steps for the question, variables, hypothesis – before moving on I will come by and check these before you move to the next steps!

13 Groups Be a friendly risk taker! Invite someone into your group!!
You must have two girls and two boys There will be some groups with more than 4 – I will help determine these if needed. May pre-make groups, may not…

14 Write the materials list
Materials that you may use are on the lab counter Write a list as specific as possible – you may need to go back and edit it Do not forget to use measurement quantities and how to collect the data! Teacher needs supplies sitting out

15 Available Materials Alka-Seltzer tablets (limited per group) beakers
stop watch or phone Water PVP Pipe and baggie (to contain breaking the tablet mess) Hot plate Thermometer Plastic knives to cut tablet Rocks with baggies, wooden blocks with baggies – teacher posts this sign as well as has the supplies out

16 How to write a Procedure:
Number the steps in order Use proper vocabulary Use specific quantities (ex. 100mL of warm 85F water) Include how you will collect and record your data More trials mean more accuracy

17 Criterion C These pages are meant to support the task of processing and evaluating this experiment


19 Collecting Raw Data: What is the data you are collecting?
You are measuring reaction rate (DV) based on changes made to the reaction (IV) How are you going to measure the data collected? Talk with your group and write this down

20 Collecting Raw Data: What pieces of equipment do you need to measure (all steps of the procedure)? Equipment needed: beakers, timer, etc. A Controlled Variable is one which could be changed but for the purpose of this experiment is being kept at a constant value…

21 Control variable: Let’s do a quick demo for a control variable and we will write the data on the board. Ask for a volunteer to write it on the board

22 Control (Demo) Data Amount of water: __________
Room temperature water (from faucet): _________________ One whole tablet Time for tablet to dissolve: _______

23 Data Table title: ______________________________
Independent variable: _____________________________________ Dependent variable: Add new information!

24 Do the experiment! Work as a team to follow the procedure.
Decide jobs before beginning. Jobs to do: Supply Manager – gets and returns supplies, talks to teacher if there are problems Data Manager – records both qualitative and quantitative data - timer; also helps supply manager clean equipment Task manager – makes sure that the procedure is followed correctly, reads directions for ALL steps; also helps supply manager clean equipment Project manager – participates in experiment, but checks group members for safety violations and watches the clock to make sure the job gets done, should also record data and take pictures.

25 After the experiment: Interpret Data –
Look at your data table, notice what changed Think about why these changes happened Discuss those patterns using scientific language (increase/decrease for example)

26 Step 2: Strand ii. interpret data and describe results using scientific reasoning
Make a bar graph – here are two examples… Title: Water Temperature and Rate Change Title: Surface Area and Rate Change

27 iv. discuss the validity of the method
Step 3: Conclusion iii. discuss the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of the scientific investigation iv. discuss the validity of the method v. describe improvements or extensions to the method Conclusion - Writing it! Paragraph 1: Include an explanation of what Alka-Seltzer is and how it works. Also discuss how you know that a chemical reaction is occurring when Alka-Seltzer is combined with water. State the purpose of the experiment that includes the problem and then the hypothesis. Refers to the rubric Each paragraph has instructions

28 Post experiment tasks:
Interpret data Graph data (bar graphs) Write conclusion paragraphs – if you prefer to type them, you can! Simply staple the printed out conclusion to the Criterion B, C worksheets when you turn them in If you need help, remember that you have the help pages- you can also come see me during tutorials!

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