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Summary of Working Group 1

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1 Summary of Working Group 1
Design and Beam Physics Todd Satogata CASA Accelerator Division JLEIC Collaboration Meeting April 1-3, 2019

2 Working Group 1: Design and Beam Physics
Time Title (Weds AM Session) Presenter 10:30 Correction of Magnet Errors and DA of JLEIC Collider Rings Yuri Nosochkov 10:50 Update on Alternate Design of JLEIC Ion Injector Brahim Mustapha 11:10 Update on JLEIC Ion Polarization and Spin Transparency Experiment River Huang 11:30 RHIC Spin Transparency Experiment Capabilities Haixin Huang 11:50 Accurate Spin Tracking on Modern Computing Architectures for Electron-Ion Colliders Dan Abell 12:10 Discussions All Wednesday AM parallel session 35-40 participants Including Jianwei Qiu on BlueJeans Two talks on machine design activities Three talks on polarization and spin plans Including JLab/BNL FOA-supported spin transparency experiment planning

3 Correction of Magnet Errors and DA (Y. Nosochkov)
Former electron collider ring design Including emittance (cf. Christoph question) New design: Lower strength sextupoles, higher DA? Analysis includes misalignment, strength systematics and randoms, corresponding corrections Error basis: PEP-2 design study Conservative error set Tracking simulations with LEGO Synchrotron oscillations, higher order fringes included Final focus quad errors studied in low beta Off-momentum DA ~8sp (sp=4.6e-4) Vertical DA optimization (injection) vs horizontal (polarization lifetime)

4 Correction of Magnet Errors and DA (Y. Nosochkov)

5 Update on JLEIC Injector Alternate Design (B. Mustapha)
Motivations: potential cost mitigation, upgrade paths Compact, lower-energy linac (higher voltage) Racetrack/compact ring booster Consideration of electron ring as high energy booster (with fully stripped ions) Requires superconducting quadrupoles with current baseline lattice Designed new lattice starting from requirements of room temp mangets for ion booster; will retrofit as ion ring Some considerations already adopted in JLEIC 100 GeV upgrade e.g. shorter 150 MeV linac High energy large booster requires higher energy injection (3 GeV->5 GeV) for Pb space charge (slide 10)

6 Update on JLEIC Injector Alternate Design (B. Mustapha)

7 Reviewed figure-8 spin design of JLEIC
Update on JLEIC Ion Polarization and Spin Transparency Experiment (R. Huang) Reviewed figure-8 spin design of JLEIC Including spin rotators, polarization control above 100 GeV Spin response function Evaluation of RHIC technical capabilities for spin transparency experiment Experimental scenarios to measure spin resonance strengths

8 Update on JLEIC Ion Polarization and Spin Transparency Experiment (R
Update on JLEIC Ion Polarization and Spin Transparency Experiment (R. Huang)

9 RHIC Spin Transparency Experiment (H. Huang)
FOA-supported JLab/BNL collaboration Summary of RHIC capabilities Including spin flipper for measuring spin tunes Baseline against spin tracking (e.g. Zgoubi) RHIC spin tune half-integer vs experiment/figure-8 spin tune integer

10 Spin Tracking and Zgoubi Update (D. Abell)
Work performed under Phase II SBIR Improving Zgoubi performance and usability Considerable optimization discussion (Ask Dan for his Cremona map code story)

11 Spin Tracking and Zgoubi Update (D. Abell)

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