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European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training

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1 European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training
EfVET European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training Brussels, 19/09/2019

2 History Founded in May 1991 non profit
Pan-European organization of learner providers representing 25 countries in Europe +other countries A network of learning providers focuses on linking business, politicians, government Cr Brussels, 19/09/2019

3 What is EfVET ? EfVET is a unique European wide professional association which has been created by and for providers of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in all European countries. Brussels, 19/09/2019

4 Web Development Nicosia
How does EfVET work? Steering Committee 16 members Executive Team 4 members National Bodies 12 members President Mr. Peter Hodgson EfVET Central Office Brussels Web Development Nicosia Vice President Mr. Stelios Mavromoustakos Secretary General Ms. Rasa Zygmantaite Brussels, 19/09/2019

5 to facilitate networking and partnership
The principal aim of EFVET is to provide a transnational framework to support all co-operative actions aimed at enhancing and improving technical and vocational education and training in particular: to facilitate networking and partnership to stimulate creation of co-operative projects and thematic networks to enable widescale promotion and dissemination of innovative measures and transnational projects to provide technical support and advice to its members and help them access European Commission programmes to act as an agent for collaborative projects with TVET (technical and vocational education and training) organisations in and outside Europe to represent the views of its members issues in the European public forum and provide a platform for the European Commission and others to consult Brussels, 19/09/2019

6 Who are the members of EfVET?
TVET (technical and vocational education and training) institutions, colleges and universities in both the public and private sectors, national associations, consortia of colleges and schools, validating bodies, companies with training departments, individuals and public TVET bodies. Brussels, 19/09/2019

7 Recent Activities Lobbying for (and against) “Erasmus +”
Statements, meetings with Members of European Parliament, representatives of Member states, events, briefing of and cooperation with members who have been lobbying at the national level 19/09/2019

8 What does EfVET do? EfVET offers:
A network of and for professionals and talent to foster connections between researchers, business people, and practitioners A network with and influence on policy makers in decision taking processes on lifelong learning A network for implementing projects partly financial by the EU and the providers themselves A network for collecting and sharing knowledge and experience in an effective and efficient way A network for organising and facilitating mobility opportunities Brussels, 19/09/2019

9 What does EfVET do? Projects
EfVET participating in European projects as partner For a full description of projects and available on our website: ELEVET SUPREME ENTAGLE LIFE 2 TAF CITY – The Age Friedly City C-TEST EUROPEMOBILITY NETWORK ENT-TEACH CB4LLP METHOD POOLS3 Connect-VET 19/09/2019

10 Information and dissemination services
EfVET Web site Bi-monthly newsletter Project dissemination and sharing good practice through promotion of project conferences Conference – networking and round tables (discussion forums re projects and issues facing VET practitioners and managers) 19/09/2019

11 Offers member services
Works in projects Provides information about vocation training and learning in Europe Offers dissemination packages Maintains networks 19/09/2019

12 More information needed?
Don’t hesitate to contact us EfVET Brussels office Rue d’Arlon 40 1000 Brussels Tel: 19/09/2019

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