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Данцева Алла Анатольевна

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Presentation on theme: "Данцева Алла Анатольевна"— Presentation transcript:

1 Данцева Алла Анатольевна
МБУ «Школа№72» г. Тольятти Учитель английского языка Урок: « Давай повеселимся»

2 celebrations Let’s party

3 words Celebrate Holiday March Festival Events Take part Take place Hold Special ocassion

4 A holiday What is a holiday? Why do people celebrate holidays? What is the difference between festivals & holidays? What do people do during holidays? How do they feel during holidays? Why do some people dislike them? What is your favourite holiday &why?

5 Splat fest When & where does Splatfest take place?
What is La Tomatina? What do you need during La Tomatina? What activities does it include? What is a huge paella cooking contest? How long does the festival last?

6 The pirates week festival
When & where does Pirates of Caribbean take place? What activities does it include? Who will enjoy the holiday? What is a mock kidnap? How long does the festival last?

7 March of scarecrows Every year on 6th of October, the central market square of Brussels in Belgium becomes full of people made of straw… yes, scarecrows! This festival , which raises money for local charities, has been extremely popular since it first started in 2001.

8 Past winners of the “Best scarecrow Award” have included a medieval knight scarecrow & even a Che Guevara one! If you think you can do better, why not to enter the competition yourself? All you need are some old clothes & a bright idea.

9 March of Scarecrows When & where does March of Scarecrows take place?
Why is it important? Who were past winners? What activities does it include? What do you need to enter the competition? How long does the festival last?

10 Maslenitsa- Farewell to winter
If you want to watch parades, see fireworks & open- air theatre performances & eat until you burst, then the Maslenitsa carnival (or “ Blini ”) in the heart of Moscow is the festival for you!

11 This fun festival takes place around the end of February & celebrates the end of winter & the beginning of spring. For this reason, all the festival –goers eat blini (pancakes) , which symbolize the sun (round, golden & warm). At the end of carnival week, there is a big bonfire to say a final goodbye to winter.

12 Maslenitsa When & where does Maslenitsa take place?
What activities does it include? What does it celebrate? Why do people eat pancakes? What is a bonfire? How long does the festival last?

13 Words Experience Take place Event Require Dress up Competitor
Celebrate Offer Include Treasure Throw Transform Mock

14 Bonfire Extra contest tidy Dirty Opportunity Represent Messy Look for Hunt Tiny Spare

15 Words Scarecrow Bright Straw Raise money Award Medieval Knight
Enter the competition Farewell to Pancake Complete Rowing boat

16 Open – air Performance Reason Invite Annual Until Turn into Let off Attract organise Kidnap

17 Используемая литература
Учебник 9 класс Spotlight V. Evans

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