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Characterization of SsPV1/WF-1 isolated from hypovirulent strain WF-1.

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1 Characterization of SsPV1/WF-1 isolated from hypovirulent strain WF-1.
Characterization of SsPV1/WF-1 isolated from hypovirulent strain WF-1. (A) TEM images of negatively stained particles of SsPV1/WF-1. (B) SDS-PAGE of purified SsPV1/WF-1 virus particles showing one prominent band (right lane) corresponding to the viral CP. (C) Agarose gel electrophoresis of dsRNA extracted from SsPV1/WF-1 (lane 1) and mycelia of strain WF-1 (lane 2). (D) Ethidium bromide-stained, nondenaturing 15% polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of dsRNA extracted from purified SsPV1/WF-1 (lane 1) and mycelia of strain WF-1 (lane 2). All dsRNA samples were treated with DNase I and S1 nuclease prior to electrophoresis. (E and F) Neighbor-joining phylogenetic trees constructed based on the complete amino acid sequences of the viral RdRp (E) or CP (F) of SsPV1/WF-1 and numerous other members of the family Partitiviridae. Bootstrap values (percent) obtained with 2,000 replicates are indicated on the branches, and branch lengths correspond to genetic distances; the scale bar at the bottom left corresponds to the genetic distance. Abbreviations of virus names and GenBank accession numbers are listed in Table S2 in the supplemental material. Xueqiong Xiao et al. J. Virol. 2014;88:

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