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Previously We looked at what the Garden of Eden was likened unto:

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2 Previously We looked at what the Garden of Eden was likened unto:
In the beginning. Its shadowy tabernacle/temple look and purpose. Its eventual realization in the “new Jerusalem” in the book of Revelation.

3 Now We look at the “new creation” story and how its motif in Scripture. What God’s intended purpose for mankind (“son of man”) as His image bearers in the new creation. How this new creation is realized today. What this new creation looks like in eternity.

4 Literally, “a New Creation”… with theological implications

5 Most Christians are familiar with the historical account of creation
Most Christians are familiar with the historical account of creation. Gen 1-2 A closer look at the text gives insight to a number of “creation” motifs the play out through biblical history. The Genesis template

6 New creation biblical motifs
(son of) “Adam” dominion Be fruitful Serpent (beast) Division (seeds) rest New creation biblical motifs

7 Will the real “son of man” come forward?
Adam? Gen 3 Noah? Gen 9 Abraham? Gen 15-16 Moses? Num 20 David? 2 Sam 11 Will the real “son of man” come forward?

8 “One like a son of man was coming.” Daniel 7
Beasts’ dominion taken away. V. 12 A human cloud rider v. 13 …an everlasting kingdom v. 14 “One like a son of man was coming.” Daniel 7 ‘But the saints of the Highest One will receive the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever, for all ages to come.’ Daniel 7:18

9 Theological Lesson: Man proves himself unworthy (Rom 3:23)… God to make a new creation in Christ.

10 Sampling of New Creation passages
Old Testament New Testament Isaiah 11:1-9 Jeremiah 31:27-34 Ezekiel 36:22-35 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 Ephesians 2:1-10 Colossians 3:5-14

11 All Things New New heaven and new earth. Rev 21:1
New Jerusalem (Garden of Eden image). Rev 21:2 All things new! Rev 21:5 All Things New

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