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2 Characteristic to Measure
MEASUREMENT Characteristic to Measure Definition Measuring Device Units

3 MEASURING LENGTH Distance between two points
Use a ruler or meter stick Units are in meters (m), centimeters (cm), or millimeters (mm)

4 MEASURING MASS The amount of matter in an object
Use a/an (electronic) balance Units are in grams (g)

5 MEASURING VOLUME The amount of space an object takes up
Graduated cylinder Units are in cubic centimeters (cm3) or milliliters (ml) calculate – for regular shaped objects water displacement method – for irregular objects

Measure of hotness or coldness of an object Use a thermometer Units are in degrees Celsius  0 °C = freezing point of water  100 °C = boiling point of water

7 MEASURE THESE… HEIGHT OF BOOK: _______________cm
WIDTH OF BOOK: _______________cm _______________mm LENGTH OF PUPAE: _______________cm (page 369 – the light colored one _______________mm with two black ‘eyespots’) LENGTH OF PIXY STIX: _______________cm WIDTH OF PIXY STIX: _______________cm _______________μ

8 King Hector Drinks Bad Diet Coke Mondays
K H D B D C M kilo BASE centi milli meter liter gram 45 cm = ______________mm 1,678.9 cm = _____________m

9 MEASURE THESE… LENGTH OF PIXY STIX: _______________ cm _______________mm WIDTH OF PIXY STIX: _______________cm LENGTH OF LOLLIPOP STICK: _______________μ

10 BODY MEASUREMENTS Leonardo da Vinci found that 8 times your span equals both your height and your fathom. How closely do you fit Leonardo’s rule? MY SPAN = ______ cm MY FATHOM = _______cm MY HEIGHT = _______cm CALCULATED HEIGHT & FATHOM = SPAN x 8 = __ cm SPAN FATHOM



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