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Informational Meeting

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1 Informational Meeting
Fall 2018 Annual Informational Meeting Glynn County School System St. Simons Elementary School September 13, 2018 Katy Ginn, Principal

2 Glynn County Title I Schools:
Altama Elementary Burroughs-Molette Elementary Glyndale Elementary Glynn Middle Golden Isles Elementary Goodyear Elementary Greer Elementary Jane Macon Middle Needwood Middle Risley Middle Satilla Marsh Elementary St. Simons Elementary Sterling Elementary Morningstar

3 New and Returning Faculty and Staff
Introductions New and Returning Faculty and Staff

4 School Contacts Principal: Katy Ginn Assistant Principal: Linda Hardy
Instructional Coach: Leigh Ann Varnedoe Guidance: Alecia Pittman Parent Involvement Coordinator: Angela Swinson

5 How responsive will the school be to my questions when staff is contacted?

6 Parent Notifications Parent Right to Know Teacher Qualifications
Student Achievement – Progress Reports Out-of-Zone Request/Intradistrict Transfer Complaint Procedures

7 ESSA of 2015 New law is ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act)
Complete implementation began in FY ‘18 school year.

8 What is Title I? Schools receive funds based on the number of low-income children who receive free and reduced lunch (rather than achievement scores).

9 The Intent of Title I Part A
To help all children obtain a high quality education and reach proficiency on challenging state and academic standards and assessments. Focuses on promoting reform in high- poverty schools.

10 Title I Funding Based on most current census
Data extrapolated annually Based on the poverty level of Glynn County residents

11 Title I School-Wide Programs
Schools with 40% or more of its students from low-income families develop a school-wide program to serve all students.

12 Our school participates school-wide in Title I.

13 The results of the Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) in the School-Wide Plan “drives” OUR SCHOOL budget.

14 Use of School-Wide Fund$
Supplemental software Extended day programs Professional development Parent Involvement/Resource Centers Supplemental materials

15 What are our school’s Title I School-Wide requirements?
Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) Research-based Reform Strategies Instruction by “highly effective” teachers and paraprofessionals. High quality and ongoing professional development for teachers, principals, paraprofessionals and other appropriate stakeholders. Strategies to attract high quality, highly effective teachers to high-need schools.

16 School-Wide Ten Components
6. Strategies to increase parental involvement. 7. Plans for assisting transition from Pre-kindergarten to elementary school to sixth grade to eighth grade. 8. Measures to include teachers in decisions regarding the use of academic assessments. 9. Timely, effective assistance for students who are having difficulty meeting the proficient or advanced level of academic standards. 10. Federal, state, and local programs are integrated to serve the students appropriately. School-Wide Ten Components

17 Our School-Wide Title I GOALS FOR 2018-2019
In FY 19, all teachers will consistently implement Effective Instructional Practices as measured by leader monitoring, feedback and student achievement. Our goal is to maintain GMAS achievement of 93% of students performing at levels 2-4 in ELA and 97% of students performing at levels 2-4 in Math. In FY 19, SSE will use evidence-based practices to reduce loss of instructional time and use continuum of services to address behavioral concerns consistently for all subgroups.

18 Parent and Family Engagement
Title I requires schools to develop strategies which build the capacity of parents to be involved in the education of their child.

19 Parent & Family Engagement
Parents/Legal Guardians have the right to participate in the education of their child. Studies have shown that children do better in school when their parents or guardians are actively engaged in their child’s learning. Teachers, administrators, and our Parent Involvement Coordinator (PIC) are available to help It is important for parents to provide their input and evaluate the School and District Involvement Policy & Plan of Events

20 Parent and Family Engagement
Connecting home and school School–Parent–Student Compacts Parent resources to use at home School-Based and District Parent Involvement Coordinators Considerations for language, cultural diversity, parent disabilities and work schedules

21 Parent and Family Engagement Activities
School-Wide Curriculum Nights Small Group Parent Academic Workshops Parent-Teacher Conferences Newsletters, Automated Text/Phone/ s

22 Georgia Standards of Excellence https://www. georgiastandards
Georgia Standards of Excellence Curriculum Assessments PROGRESS Reports

23 College and Career Ready Performance Index
CCRPI Applies to all schools - Title and Non-Title

24 Our school receives Points in each category
CCRPI for Readiness Literacy, student attendance, and “Beyond the Core” School Climate Survey and- Assessment/Accountability/Documents/Resdesig ned%20CCRPI%20Support%20Documents/Redesi gned%20CCRPI%20Indicators% pdf Content Mastery Achievement in ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies Progress Growth in ELA and Math Progress towards English language proficiency for EL students Closing Gaps Meeting achievement improvement targets Our school receives Points in each category

25 Governor’s Office of Student Achievement (GOSA) District and School Report Cards
District Report Card St. Simons Elementary School Report Card

26 District Title I Contacts
Darlene M. Moye, Ed.D. Director, Federal Programs , Ext. 1518 (Fax) Leslie C. Scarboro , Ext. 1545

27 Questions, Closing Remarks, MEETING EVALUATIONS

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