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Bringing in the Rest of the Gang

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1 Bringing in the Rest of the Gang
By Jared Lampe

2 Adjectives, adjectives, adjectives!
Out of Order Adjectivals Modify the subject of the sentence, before, after or at the end of a sentence. Usually separated by commas. Can be moved around in the sentence and still work. Example: Taut, arched, the bow shimmered, freed from its linen covering; someone had strung it. The bow shimmered, taut, and arched, freed from its linen covering; someone had strung it The bow shimmered, freed from its linen covering; someone had strung it, taut and arched. Up to you where you want your adjectives

3 Adjectives, adjectives, adjectives!
Adjectival phrase A group of words that act like a single adjective. Example: Red as blood, the rock stood out from all the others on the stony bank. The rock stood out from all the others on the stony bank, red as blood. Have the class make a adjectival phrase and/or out of order adjectival

4 You have to be Appostitive
Noun or pronoun, but acts like a adjectival. Categorize, rename more specifically, or expands upon something. Usually another noun or pronoun Examples: “I’ve had another lead on the Firegolds, a serious lead from Endless Falls.” Serious lead is the appostitive to lead

5 You must be Absolute and stead fast in your writing
Another way to describe details associated with objects or people. Can be restored to a full sentence Choppy and Weak Examples I found myself in a ditch, the foul smell of rotting corpses groping at my nostrils. I could smell the explosive powder in the air, hand grenades whizzing overhead. I heard the screams of others as they fell beside me, blood oozing from their mouths. 2nd point: can be restored to a full sentence but are choppy and weak

6 Absolutely Two Main types of Absolutes Want Practice with Absolutes?
That show action or description Add details with little grammatical relation to the main clause Examples After school on Monday, Jonathon slammed the kitchen door behind him and waited for his mother’s voice to scold, an angry answer ready on his lips. The Red Mountains spread across the northern horizon, the tallest peak a cone of scarlet in the sunset. Want Practice with Absolutes? Combine sentences Expanding sentences Restructuring sentences

7 FREEDOM!!! Free Modifying adjectivals
Adjectives that can be placed in different spots Used to add details Includes: Out of Order Appostitive Absoutes

8 Drawing? But I’m an English major
Examples in book. Pages

9 I just like the color blue!
Stop Overanalyzing everything


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