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SE DCS Peer challenge Workshop Day 2 pm

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1 SE DCS Peer challenge Workshop Day 2 pm
SE Sector led improvement SE DCS Peer challenge Workshop Day 2 pm

2 Objectives To consider the insights and amend and add to them
To turn the insights into ‘how to challenges’ To select some of these ‘how to’ statements and consider possible solutions/actions that could be taken to achieve them To identify what is needed to make some of these actions happen

3 Reflection on insights
In groups round tables Look through the insights on the sheet on your table tick those that you agree with, circle those you disagree with add any additional insights that you feel are missing

4 Feedback from groups

5 Developing goals In triad groups Take each insight in turn
Turn it into a ‘how to’ challenge e.g. Insight The service is in a bubble which corporate and outside partners feel is hard to connect to All current KPIs are process driven and distract the service from focusing on outcomes The vision for the service is interpreted very differently in each team ‘How to’ challenge How to make the service more outward facing and responsive How to develop KPIs that reflect change in outcomes How to get a coherent unified vision across the directorate

6 Feedback from groups

7 Developing possible solutions
As a group choose one of the how to challenges generate as many ideas as possible aim for quantity to reach quality build off other people’s ideas generate unusual ideas mix and match elements of ideas everyone owns the idea

8 What effect will it have?
Place the post-its from your group on the wall charts Vote on the ideas that you like best High impact How easy to implement? Difficult What effect will it have? Easy Low impact

9 Idea generation – grow an idea
Choose one of the ideas you liked Answer the following questions What problem is this idea solving? Who will use this idea? Where can this idea be used? When can this idea be used? What do we need to make it real?

10 Feedback on proposed actions

11 Evaluation first thoughts on the peer challenge What went well
Evaluation first thoughts on the peer challenge What went well? Even better if?

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