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Ohio’s Move Over Law Instructor question: Who knows what kinds of vehicles you’re required to slow down and move over for? Show of hands. Answers: Police,

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Presentation on theme: "Ohio’s Move Over Law Instructor question: Who knows what kinds of vehicles you’re required to slow down and move over for? Show of hands. Answers: Police,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Ohio’s Move Over Law Instructor question: Who knows what kinds of vehicles you’re required to slow down and move over for? Show of hands. Answers: Police, Fire, Maintenance Vehicles, Tow Trucks, Freeway Service Patrol, etc.

3 Ohio’s Move Over Law What is the law?
Motorists are required to cautiously move over one lane when driving by ANY vehicle with flashing or rotating lights on the side of the road Instructor: Here’s an overview of the Move Over Law Keep in mind that drivers MUST move over 1 lane when driving by ANY vehicle with flashing or rotating lights

4 Ohio’s Move Over Law If it is not possible to change lanes, then slow down. Sometimes it is not possible to change lanes due to traffic or weather, or if a second lane does not exist In these situations, slow down and proceed with caution Watch for people or objects in your travel lane Be prepared to stop Instructor: If you can’t change lanes, slow down. Keep in mind that the law is written to recognize that sometimes it is not possible to move over because of traffic or weather or lack of a second lane. When this is the case: – slow down - proceed with caution - watch for people or objects in your lane and - be prepared to stop

5 Ohio’s Move Over Law What vehicles with flashing lights are covered by the law? Law enforcement Emergency responders (EMS, Fire) Tow operators Road construction crews Road maintenance crews Utility crews Instructor: Here are the kinds of vehicles the law covers (read the list)

6 Ohio’s Move Over Law What roadways does the law apply to?
Ohio’s Move Over law applies to all interstates and state highways The Move Over law applies to All Interstates All state highways

7 Ohio’s Move Over Law Who can enforce the law?
Any law-enforcement officer, including state highway patrol officers, local police and county sheriff's deputies Any law enforcement officer can enforce it State Highway Patrol Local Police County Sheriff

8 Can You be Cited for Failing to Comply?
Yes. It is so serious that fines are doubled. A first violation is 2 x $150 (a minor misdemeanor) The same violation within a year of the first is 2 x $250 More than two violations in a year is 2 x $500 Instructor: As you can see here, fines begin at $300 and go up to $1,000

9 How is the Move Over Law Different from Yielding to Emergency Vehicles?
To yield the right of way to an emergency responder, a driver must pull to the right-hand side of the road and stop when a law- enforcement officer, fire truck, ambulance or other emergency vehicle approaches using a siren, lights or other warning devices. A driver must wait until the emergency responder(s) has passed before resuming driving. Instructor: While the Move Over Law has exceptions if you cannot move over, drivers MUST pull over to the right and yield to emergency vehicles.

10 Ohio’s Move Over Law Why have a Move Over Law?
Safety is the primary reason for the Move Over Law Each of the numbers you see on the screen is a mom, dad, sister, brother, daughter or son who does not make it home to their family.

11 Ohio’s Move Over Law Instructor: Now, lets review the main parts of Ohio’s Move Over Law. Move over if possible OR proceed slowly and cautiously - Applies to several types of vehicles with flashing or rotating lights (Law enforcement, Emergency responders (EMS, Fire), Tow operators, Road construction crews, Road maintenance crews and Utility crews Applies to interstates and state highways (give local examples) Any law enforcement officer can cite a driver for not moving over - Fines are doubled

12 Ohio’s Move Over Law – Fact Sheet


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